
Carrie, there's no replacement for you, obviously, but in the interest of keeping our little family here together . . . http://tinyurl.com/mafdqme

I would, but I'm not sure my bro knows that songs exists. I'm pretty sure he would get a good case of our trademarked ragelol over it.

For sure. I'm hoping that Hayley manages to become interesting this season, but there is no substitute for Bex. I feel she could have been a much better counterpoint to Klaus than Elijah is if they'd bothered to think about her character.

I imagine Klaus could say that of a great number of places. I wish there was a stronger tie to New Orleans.

Haha. My brother and I always call each other and say, "Merry Fucking Christmas." I might need to switch to your version this year.

The worst is seeing Klaus and Bex fight constantly, just to drag out Claire Holt's rude dismissal from the show.

TO and DVD have gay characters just for the sake of having gay characters. I would LOVE a queer supernatural love story, but I'm not holding my breath to see it play out on either of these shows.

He did become rather flat. He was a pretty boring character in S4 of TVD, but seeing him become megalomaniacal was just kind of pointless. It just made me wonder— as @avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus points out, they're all basically gods. Why the fuck would they give a shit about who runs New Orleans?

I've considered writing recaps/reviews, but I'm not sure I care enough about the show to do it justice anymore. I mostly just liked reading Carrie's reviews and snarking with you lovely people.

Yeah, Elena slut-shaming Caroline in S4 was a low point for the series. Strange— I can sort of root for Damon when he's being awful because he was introduced as awful. I could even root for humanity-free Elena to a point, when she wasn't being an idiot. But they haven't handled vampire-Elena in an even manner at all—

In S2, Sheriff Forbes promised to keep her daughter's secret even after watching her kill a few deputies. Granted, Caroline compelled that away from her, but it's just how Liz is. Family first and all. But they have barely shown her since S3, so I guess it can be jolting to be reminded of just how inept she is at her

TVD is best when we feel that anyone could die at any moment. Therefore, they should kill off half the main cast next episode just to ensure a certain level of quality control.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they brought Katherine back. For all we know she's outside chopping firewood to keep Damon and Bonnie all cozy in limbo.