
And if not articles, tears!

I don't really know how many of the Fear Street books were ghostwritten, but I was always fond of the Fear Street Sagas myself. They were some of the few of his stories that dealt directly with the supernatural rather than "oh, here's a crazy person killing people!" Cheesy, maybe, and I definitely preferred L.J. Smith

Yeah? Do you want me to give you cunnilingus instructions again, or do you remember from last time?

Yes, because circumcision is totally unique to Judaism and hasn't been practiced by anyone else in the history of humanity. Great job there.

And now he's dead. Cool story, bro.

As someone who removes it everywhere, I have to say that going bare is WAY more comfortable. But I'm a lady and I don't sweat or poop, obvs.

Oh. Then carry on!

I see this a LOT. Also men who are used to being coddled and expect their partners to take care of them. It's a bit infuriating, really.

Still a head. Or possibly a patella.

Or people could just wrap it up and make their own decisions about what they want done with their genitals. We don't preemptively remove the tonsils of infants to prevent tonsillitis.

Guys should at least trim it. Armpit hair is there to collect sweat and pheromones. It's designed to smell terrible, in other words. And this may have been a huge turn on 5,000 years ago, but its absolutely revolting now.

I am mentally clapping for this. Well done.

I don't want to make this all about me, but if you hari-kari, who's going to sing showtunes with me? I mean, think about how your actions affect others for once.


I like to think they planned all of the costuming around future jokes. It's quite the set-up.

Yeah, he's a beautiful soul surrounded by assholes. It's wonderful.

Paul is fucking adorable. I love how even the minor characters here allow the actors to give these great, sympathetic performances.

I assure you no offense was intended. I thought you were joking. Apologies all the same.

It's almost as if someone commissioned it!

All the girls in my dorm were in love with him because of Scream and SLC. And this interview makes me love him even more— he just comes off as so humble and affable and above all honest. Most of the people in the interviews here just talk about how much they loved working with whatever director and whatever actor;