
I believe you are also some random stranger on the internet, but I'd prefer not to get caught in an infinite loop on the matter.

Also, they would dress a lot more modestly if they didn't want to be raped!


In next month's newsletter— BEES!!!!!!!!

ElDan is the . . . no, I won't go there because mods hate it when I make jokes at ElDan's expense.

What does it say about me that I prefer the animated version? I'm starting to worry that I don't love little duckies that shake their butts and walk funny as much as I always claimed I did.

Ah, but none laughed harder or louder than you.

I like to think they decided to make this movie after a tossing a coin engraved with a rat on one side, a thousand baby spiders on the other.

I saw Neutral Milk Hotel in Bridgeport with ComradePig. ENVY ME.

Yeah, Skyler stated quite clearly in the original that she faked it.

Or a Templeton who can take the Baby Jesus in his mouth to secure future generations of Baby Jesuses. Second Comings, if you will.

She's like a centaur, but for being terrible!

A sploosh . . .

I always thought it would be hilarious if they included some of the other OH SO KING details.

David Bowie rocked the fuck out of mullet and looked dead sexy in Labyrinth, but this may be a bridge too far for mere mortals.


When we used to watch the reruns in college, a friend of mine would always shout out, "Fat Chandler!" during THOSE credits. You know the ones.

They were totally on a break, but I'm glad he did it so I didn't need to deal with them as a couple anymore.

I think the goldfish cracker is my favorite gag for the whole run of the show.