
I think I might need to watch this! I don't have the patience to read it, but watching it with a drinking game sounds fun!

I could watch Clueless once a month and be perfectly happy. It has aged remarkably well. Even the costuming is this fantastic, brightly-colored, hyper-reality that I wish I could inhabit.


Wow, nice job, Mods! That comment was so offensive!

Watch Wristcutters: A Love Story for her best performance. I will never stop loving that film.

Is it some weird gender thing where he doesn't think women should pursue men?I am so confused.

I never found them very attractive from the front— they remind me of Todd from Breaking Bad. Still, I would never scoff at the chance to see a toned butt. I prefer not to have urine involved during such sightings, but we can't have everything in this life, can we?

I feel like they're definitely moving toward Scott killing someone, whether it's the Benefactor or Peter. And this would give all of the hunters an excuse to go after him, therefore giving us a plot for next season.

I think every dom guy I've ever met LOVES cunnilingus.

I would have started with DTMFA, personally. But given the age difference, I doubt she has a decent prenup, poor thing.

Should we alert the authorities? Where is she buried?

If she describes sex as "rapey" AND insists she loves the guy, there is something even more wrong.

Indeed; I can attest that Sir Idiotking also commands a quite compelling singing voice, even when afflicted with laryngitis.

Shit like this makes me glad I didn't delete my account entirely.

I think all of those shows started out before AM, though.

The thing is that even GOOD shows can get shitty by the 100th episode, let alone the 254th. I don't think they should last longer than 5 or 6 seasons in most cases. I just cringe thinking of how terrible the last few episodes of a show that started out shitty would be.

So true.

What's annoying is that he's a liberal atheist now and he thinks his parents are wrong about everything, but he hung on to their deep-seated distrust of anything unfamiliar. THAT IS NO WAY TO LIVE!

Did you mastrabulate to The Passion of the Christ? I considered it, but I don't really want to watch that movie.

I'm pretty sure it's in the realm of "raised Catholic."