
AWWWWWW! And I wuv you because of your penile misadventures!

I guess it really depends on how he's meeting these women. I would expect it to come up in the first conversation, though.

Eh. He's not a prude, really, just never curious enough to try new things, and it definitely extends beyond the sexual realm. And he never comes up with new things to try himself— I have to come up with all the ideas. Even if he enjoys himself, which he usually does, he would never suggest we do something new on his

Apparently it's my fault, because I can never be happy with things the way they are. Wanting to try new things=lack of happiness. It's okay. I'm out in a year.

When? Where?

I'm trying!

Oh, I know. I know.

I'm going to start telling people I disagree with that they're just being Necrotheological. And thanks— vampires are just like religious people who want the world to end so that Zombie Jesus can return. It all makes sense now!

Ugh. I told one partner what I wanted to try and he straight up told me it was dumb and he wouldn't do it, not even to humor me, because the dumbness would be a boner killer, even if he could see that I was totally into it. It sucks to be in a place where you're willing to be vulnerable and share your desires, then

I didn't really get why she was having issues, as I thought that the whole point of wearing lingerie was to take it off.

Sometimes I'm curious about what it would be like to enter the dating pool again now that I sort of know who I am and what I want. When I was younger, I figured SatHim would be the only person willing to put up with my bullshit, but I don't really have as many bullshit tendencies as I did when I met him. I think a lot

I don't know. I think people should disclose the open relationship status upfront, just so the person they're dating knows not to get TOO invested. I'd be pissed if I wasted my time dating a guy I liked only to find out he wasn't available.

I was going to write "bloodslugs"!

In Christopher Nolan's theatrical cut, the kid hit puberty at age 2 and has a bad case of bronchitis.

The worst dialog so far was from the pilot last week— when he said he just let a mysterious object on his plane because the people asking had badges, so he figured they had to be official. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN IN A POST-9/11 WORLD.

I'm not sure I've ever loved anyone the way I love you for this comment.

The worst is "God never gives us anything we can't handle." I mean, I guess some people can only handle being rich and healthy, whereas others can totally handle being poor and having a chronic illness!

I had the exact same thought!

So, question— so far, the victims either die or turn into vampires themselves. How is this plan for vampire apocalypse remotely logical? Eventually, there will only be vampires left, and then what? They all die out? It seems like it makes more sense to just have a few vampires who instill fear in the populace and

Honestly, the dick flushing is the only thing that makes me want to stick around for the next episode.