
The worst are the scenes where he and his son are texting each other. It makes me want to burn all the cell phones.

I'm guessing sick wife will also be dead wife, underscoring the fact that he should NOT allow suspicious objects, people, and vehicles out of customs.

Oh, sure. I completely agree with you. That doesn't make "DATE RAPE STYLEE!!!!" any less obnoxious.

I don't think I EVER implied that, sir.

Comcast, obviously.

Dissing Comic-Con in a forum of pop culture nerds seems ill-advised.

I thought @eldan peed in your mom's mouth.


It totally depends on her social skills. Just be prepared to stay by her side all night to make sure she doesn't feel lonely or awkward. If she talks to other people, you can leave her alone.

You aren't a virgin. Fisting counts.

1. Why do people even bother keeping in touch if they don't want to meet again? What an asshat.
2. Make love to his face.
3. Quiet guys are the fucking worst. They always like me, too— not sure if because boobs or because unable to stop talking. But whatever. Make love to the face of #2.


Stop bragging about how all the ladies want you, Piggie.

Depends. Is it just your dick, or is it your COLLECTION?

Stop trying to get us to buy your book!

Predatory? Weren't you contemplating "violence or prostitution" to lose your virginity a few months ago? I'm glad you've narrowed it down to "just" prostitution, but for fuck's sake, show some consistency. Either you hate women or you don't. No in-between zone.

Just flirt with her over the phone unobtrusively and see if she responds. Don't go in with any expectations, though.

I've conducted enough amateur surgery to agree with you.

You imagine wrong.

IIRC, there was a sideplot in Nip/Tuck where they made face cream out of . . . um . . . facials. Ha. Get it? Anyway, I'm severely grossed out by this and I hope you're joking. But I'm sure there are people with worse kinks. As long as she refrigerates it and doesn't let it go bad (and isn't secretly feeding it to