
I really hope you're right. I've seen interviews of Colbert out of character and he seems absolutely charming, but not nearly as funny as his character. And whatever else happens, I'll miss The Colbert Report, as the news segments on late night shows never reach that level of awesome.

Yeah, I get the impression they're going to take away everything that makes The Colbert Report amazing.

I think my mother was the opposite— she was so traumatized by her relationship with my father that she would either not date at all or only go out with crappy guys.

Why would they DO that? Seriously, get checked out if it takes 20 minutes to poop. That just sounds unhealthy, but not as unhealthy as reading Maxim while luxuriating in your own stench.

Oh, obviously it's illegal and risky. But FWBs aren't to be taken lightly. Not that they should be confused with romantic relationships, but he also can't treat an FWB like a life support for a vagina. They require some level of emotional intimacy. That takes time, and the more time he spends away, the more suspicious

Especially if it's a lag between your mom's vag and your first encounter, right?

I think her default thinking is "It's always better to be in a relationship than not to be in one." This makes her think it's insane not to want to be with someone who is into her. Beyond that, she's young and has no idea what a relationship IS.

No questions; I just think it makes sense he's paying for it because he isn't looking for an emotional connection. He gets that with his wife.

I'd be annoyed that the bathroom stall was occupied for such a long time, but that's about it.

I just pictured a Blu-Ray dangling from the end of your erect nose. And now that's all anyone else can think about.

It's more introspective on this— basically a psychological study of the impact such a loss would have on people, focusing on one family.

I liked it, but I wish he'd gone a bit further. I didn't dig the ending— it was a little too facile for me. I liked the mother's plot the most, but don't want to spoil it here.

I wouldn't actually characterize it as post-apocalyptic. It's more of a what-if book. Most of the infrastructure is intact; just people get kind of cray.

It's a crime that you didn't, my love. Next time.

All right, MLA! Awesome article!

I'd certainly complain if a jackboot were stomping on my human face forever!

I've spooned/cuddled with guy friends before. It's intimate without being sexual. Sometimes it's just nice to be held.

Yup. They never bothered to develop the relationship. Sadly, that fight they had in S2 when Stefan was stuck in the tomb with Katherine was hotter than anything they've done since.

See, I feel like I don't even need to comment here anymore when you wonderful people post comments like this. Your bit on the mass-self-immolation is particularly hilarious/accurate.

Given how Stefan and Silas turned out, I'd guess that Tom would be a little deranged as a vampire, which would have been fun. I feel so deprived now!