
I think the deputy thing could have been avoided. She wasn't defending herself; she was defending two mass-murderer vampires, one of whom raped her a few months earlier.

I'd also give a pass. TVD is really fucking weird in terms of fidelity, though.

I LOLed at this. Good job.

I love that "Caress Me Down" got so much airtime. It's a song about a penis!

LOVE "Saw Red" and "Total Hate" off The Beacon Street Collection. Their voices are just so good together. Insert "aware of the high and the low" pun that I'm too hungover to make at the moment.


Oh, fuck, my friend and I used to BLAST "Pool Party" whenever we were driving to the beach. Pure, dumb fun.

I think "Walking in the Dark" is my favorite Goldfinger song. They didn't play it when I saw them perform, but they DID dress like ketchup and mustard bottles, so it was okay.

I prefer "Beer," but "Sell Out" is fun and pointed.

Same! He was so beautiful and evil. I just wanted to lick his face.

That is my go-to (GET IT? GO?) song for karaoke!

I used to argue with this guy I was engaged to because he liked Less Than Jake more than Reel Big Fish (that is an exaggeration; we had a polite conversation about it once). LTJ is way NICER, and I fucking LOATHE Aaron Barrett, but RBF is great workout music. Plus, I used to duet "She Has a Girlfriend Now" with my one

I played that song on repeat when i turned 16! That and "Under 21" by Save Ferris were my go-tos for cutesyyouthrage.

Eric actually records music and animates his own videos. They're cute and kind of interesting:

I think I just felt OFFENDED that her solo stuff was so bad, because I know what she CAN do. But whatever. She knows how to work the modern music industry. Good for her.

IIRC, in the '90s they came out with "diamond" status, for albums that sold over 10 million copies.

Eric wrote that one. I don't think Gwen could ever pull of something that weird. "Tragic Kingdom" and "Snakes" off The Beacon Street Collection are my all time favorite ND tracks.

My absolute favorite off the album is the title track, followed by "End It on This." I still like the singles, but I think they're a little shrill in comparison.

The first time I heard this song, I thought she said, "I'm fascist, so I can't complain."

I still like about half of these. Mock away.