
Your wisdom inspires me. It inspires us all.

Nah, Elena is defined by her capacity for forgiveness. Katherine relied on that to get into her body last week.

Nah, lots of humans lust for blood and cause death and destruction. At least this way I wouldn't need to worry about paper cuts anymore!

What I wonder about is how none of them have been convicted. Though if they were imprisoned, I guess prisons could finally justify solitary confinement.

Did they check Damon's cleaning unit?

And why is the solution to this more death sentences rather than improved prison facilities, exactly?

Yes, I'm sure most fathers would MUCH rather be dead than cherish every letter and visit from their children. I'd love to see a link to any of the statistics you're posting here.

Based on your comments below on "homo S&M," I think you're the last person I'd trust to understand human sexuality.

Can I ask what your beliefs are regarding the afterlife? I don't believe in it, so I absolutely understand why someone would want to cling to life even in dire circumstances. But it seems that a convicted murderer wouldn't exactly end up in a good place, and even if he's actually innocent, he wouldn't know where he's

What's so difficult for me to understand? Oh, just the remote possibility that you actually believe that horrific things you're typing and that you aren't a troll.

Oh, it's SO comforting to know that both men AND women were executed. I'm sure that hurt their children a lot less than a divorce and shared custody would.

I KNOW some people who enjoy "homo S&M." Shockingly, none of them are big fans of rape. And implying that it's better to be dead than to be a rape survivor is an insult to everybody who has survived a rape.

Are you seriously implying that gay men ENJOY RAPE?

Doesn't Jon Stewart call him a Hairless Snake-Man or something?

Yes, we love vigilantes. Note how fond we are of George Zimmerman.

The difference being that I don't consider divorce an inherently bad thing that needs to be prevented. Instead, I think people deserve to be happy and should have the option of pulling the plug on a relationship that doesn't conduce to happiness. Basically, human interaction and sexuality are too complex to be

Wow, so centuries of beatings and people are still fucking around? You must be doing something right!

He shows up when you heat the Declaration of Independence to 108 degrees!

I never got to see this when it aired! I am inordinately happy!

Marry me!