
It's the continued failure that gets to me. He overcame so much and showed greater mental strength and willpower than the others, so I want to see him do SOMETHING successfully for once. Poor Tyler.

RIGHT? And when he claimed that he had to refer to "Elena" as "Nina Dobrev." And shat all over her acting ability, which is really reprehensible. She proved herself very capable in S1 and has only grown since.


Wait, didn't Amara end up not going to the Otherside? I don't remember.

I was happy he at least figured out what to do with the baby's blood (Tyler is not known for his wit), but I was not a fan of the "Tyler wants to give Hayley a forcible abortion" plot. Not at ALL.

Technically, Stefan killed Vicki, but that scene was still appalling.

I for one was hoping Matt would Kill Bill his way out.

Yes, I like Todd's reviews a lot of the time, but I wish they hadn't assigned him to review TVD. He tends to worship/overanalyze Mad Men no matter how bad it is (and it was quite bad last season) and to assume that shows like TVD (and, more recently, Reign, which I admit I haven't watched) MUST be crap. The worst was

Oh, Caroline and Enzo? I haven't seen them together yet, but YES. He's like the Klaus-Stefan-Damon hybrid I've been waiting for all my life, except less murdery.

Oh, what a waste. I hope you're not right.

I think it's sad that Dobrev is at the top of her game acting-wise RIGHT when Elena becomes a dull character. I was expecting Katherine to jump into her body for the entire episode and was SO relieved when it finally happened. Finally, an Elena plot that doesn't directly involve the Salvatores. Yet.

Davis also said that he was sick of his character having nothing to do, so they wrote that ending for him to go out with a bang. But yeah, I do miss the days when they actually had to keep their vampirism a secret. I don't think blowing up the Council was a good idea in the long run.

I wonder what a faster mode of travel is— vamp-running or 737?

I don't know why I think your comment is so funny, but I am completely loling right now.

They have completely obliterated Tyler's character in the past year. I am so angry— he experienced so much growth between S1 and S4, now he's just this listless, impotent, occasionally rage-filled moron.

My first thought was, "Oh no, Silas is back!" because it was just so stupid that Klaus would return at all.

Ummmmm . . . you are joking about Shane, right? I'll grant that Conner is a badass, but Shane? HIM?

Elijah is one of the best villains they've ever had.

What I liked about it is that forgiveness is key to Elena's character, so much so that Damon was complaining about it last episode. This is the most "Elena" she's been in a long time.

Humanity-free Elena was SO fun; they just never allowed her to reach her potential. Damon and Stefan are too lame to let her be as awesome as she should be.