
And you must not know what "sarcasm" is.

When in doubt, turn into a giant bug and ask your brother to throw an apple at you.

So this is what it likes to feel excited about a video game! So Kafkaesque.

I think the dynamic of ALL villains can work. That's basically what Breaking Bad turned into at a certain point, but they made sure to humanize their mains for several seasons before it got to that point. Not that The Originals is anywhere near that level of competence, but it could work in theory.

I like to think that all of Marcel's gang are just fucking each other when they're off camera. It's a vamp orgy all day, every day.

I want them to hit the gay clubs so she can be his hag. That would be so much more fun than moping around indoors.

Is the actress slightly better now, too? She's never impressed me before, but I'm finally feeling the whole Cami thing.

I quite liked the IDEA of Davina, Hayley, Josh and Cami all working together, though I'm not sure I trust them to execute it. I feel like the problem with this show, in comparison to the first season of TVD, is the number of villains. S1 of TVD was all about Damon shaking things up. Most of the other characters were

You know what 18-year-olds suck at? Not getting caught having sex. Also, talking about anything remotely interesting. Also, knowing what the fuck they're doing when they have sex. I don't think the rewards outweigh the risks here.

That's really beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Yeah, that's a good way to put it. She probably built it up in her mind when she found out her sister was getting out of rehab, then when she saw just how bad it was going to be, she freaked out, then went back to being the empathetic person she is.

I think the father was the most sympathetic character in the film, but what really got me was when Rachel helped Kim clean up and cover her black eye. I can't think of a scene that better encapsulates what it means to love someone unconditionally.

I agree. I liked the S1 T-Day episode a lot more— turkey in the dryer is funnier than the same old "MAN MUST ASSERT MANLINESS BY MAKING AN ASS OF HIMSELF" sitcom plot that has plagued television for as long as I can remember.

1. I'm still holding out a hope that they'll get rid of the sire line nonsense. It's the only thing that will level the playing field, so to speak. And it will give Davina something to do, so there's that.

The thing is that he IS beatable; the characters here just don't know it yet. Bex and Elijah together could probably take him down, and any of the witches could cast a petrification spell. The difference is that Bex is too scared to note that this spell exists because she's worried he would use it against her. There's

Wait, Cami's a psych major? Maybe she can use her powers to make really obvious points every other episode!

NO. Life is too short to put up with shitty people. All couples fight, but if your S.O. doesn't fill you with joy on a regular basis, DTMFA.

SAME. I have more fun with Patton and Maria, but really, shouldn't we just let all depressed people speak for themselves?

I think parts of it are a bit campy and predictable, but the performances elevate the material.