
I remember feeling really left-out of marketing as a child, since dolls were either blonde and blue-eyed or with dark skin and black hair. No brown-all over dolls for me or my racially-ambiguous friends. So it's nice that in my adult life, advertisers are acknowledge we exist. I still don't like Cheerios and tend to

Or one that doesn't show a parent cleaning up their child's mess. That shit would NOT fly when I was growing up. How about a commercial that demonstrates teaching kids the importance of not being a messy asshole?

My friend's facebook status today: "Bottom 4-LIFE!"

And let's not forget the awkward threesomes!

By-low, baby cunting
Papa's gone a-hunting.

Nah, Damon slept with Elena's mom and that's somehow not an issue. Considering the central love triangle, I get the impression family isn't a big boundary in the sex lives of TVD characters.

What is with people downvoting valid complaints?

The love triangle feels SO unfinished and tacked-on. I didn't give a fuck about it either way. I just couldn't out why she was all about Peeta in this one when Hottie McHotterson kept saving both of their lives and looked WAY better in a wetsuit.

I thought he would cut out all the kissing parts!

Ah, the Meatloaf defense . . .

RIGHT? I feel like they hired an entirely new editing team for this episode!

6. I actually have high hopes to see just how powerful the Augustine Vampires get. And I'm relieved that they're showing something we're familiar with.

That's true, but it's still sloppy. Jenna moved on because she essentially lived a moral life. I really doubt that applies to Gregor.

It does make me think about S1, when Elena saw Stefan hanging around Mystic Falls in footage from the '50s. Maybe he was there to look for clues as to Damon's whereabouts or something.

Yes, and they are driving that point home with all the precision of a sledgehammer. I'm fine with the story, just not with the execution.

Still didn't work for me. Drawing parallels between the brothers is hardly a new thing and it's not like Damon's flashbacks showed anything interesting.

1. The editing on this episode really pissed me off. The scene with Elena and Caroline pretending to make out with Jeremy in particular was really dumb. As someone who has a brother and doesn't really want to think about him in that context, I wondered where the hell that came from. And as nice as it was to see them

That scene with him and Bonnie had almost too many beautifuls for me. He is a fantastic-looking man and she finally has decent hair. Oh, what might have been!

Very much so.

Good thing they're on hiatus next week, then. I'm just glad it's not "Mystic Falls. I was born here . . ."