
I loved "Matty Blue-Blue!" It was adorable!

Exactly! When have we ever seen a vampire die of blood loss? Mikael fed on vampires and presumably killed them afterwards. It seems like the impulse in the Augustine vampires is just to feed, not to kill. I don't think Damon's life was really in danger.

She DID confront him soon after she turned, and I think the writers feel like it's been dealt with . . . even though he tried to kill her like 4 scenes later.

It's also possible to consider that he was trying to recreate the relationship he had with Katherine in an even more sick, twisted way. That doesn't really make it less disturbing, but this is common in abuse survivors. A lot of sex offenders were molested as children and so on.

Pretty much. And Damon tried to cover his tracks in S1 by killing Lexi. I feel like S1 was more based in realism, even with the whole fog/crow thing. Now, they just attack people in restaurants. Even when Katherine was talking to Matt, I was like, "Okay, nobody's going to stop Elena from drinking underage? Nobody's

Yeah, we hated that at the time and were just discussing it last week. Appalling.

I think he remembered it as much as anyone can remember a retcon. I think they'll even say it's the reason he went off the rails. I just hated that they used the EXACT SAME EDITING for his flashbacks and Stefan's in the same episode. That was dumb.

We all saw it coming. The only question was "when"?

Shhh. If you type her name 3 times, she'll show up and be boring.

I'm guessing they'll say he turned off his humanity to cope with the treatment or something, hence his state in the '70s Lexi episode. It's a better explanation than whatever they had before, but it's still derivative and kind of dumb.


I have a friend who's like 6'6", but I didn't realize he was that tall because his posture is so bad from stooping to semi-average height all the time. Conversely, I'm 5'3" and people always complement my posture because I'm trying to be as tall as all the normals.

That's part of the challenge!

Blah, blah, Muffin Man, blah blah.

I think they always use the press kit photos. I don't have a problem with it, even if it isn't the most flattering shot I've ever seen.

Yes! Can I ask that you post audio for all future interviews and link it at the bottom of the text? I have a problem with procrastination, so I can guarantee I'd read the interview, then listen to the audio every time.

<begin medical="" rant="" that="" nobody="" cares="" about="" or="" will="" read="">Diabetics don't need to eat when their "insulin" is low; they eat when their blood sugar is low. For fuck's sake, I learned that reading The Babysitter's Club when I was like 7. The least they could do is Google for 10 seconds.<end

Well, commenters started getting ruder around the time NuDisqus was implemented and an influx of newbies showed up. And let's be honest— there's no actual incentive for commenters to be polite. If their posts are offensive, they'll be deleted; if they write a series of offensive posts, they'll be banned. Most of us

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus I can finally log in to like this comment! Know that I'm responsible for two guest likes and one actual like.

If I keep coming back to the AVC, it won't be for the hideous new layout or the diminishing writing quality. It'll be because of amazing little moments like this.