
The last plan she had that worked was . . . what, killing Kol? Over half a season ago?

I think your biggest mistake is in thinking the TVD writers are familiar with prominent theologians and have the guts to reference them on this show.

I thought Silas was just making a dig at Damon's past with Katherine.

Did it make you want to wash dishes?

This is definitely worth Netflixing. It gets really good by S1E6. I think I watched 3 seasons over 2 or 3 weeks.

Because basically, everyone at TVD has two defining traits.

Silas would still end up on the Otherside. He's a witch. Amara is human.

I think we're supposed to believe that since he's psychic, he was able to absorb all the information from the people who offered blood to him over the years, e.g. how to speak English, what GPS is, and so on.

Klaus should have killed them off and said, "Forevaaaaaaaaahhhh's going to start tonight."

It's one of the only Filipino foods I've never tried and I intend to keep it that way.

Maybe the carton was written in . . . Bulgarian? No. Croatian? No.

Fuck: Sanchez
Marry: Murphy
Kill: Conant (I suspect he has the patience to caramelize onions)

Ugh, I can't believe this didn't occur to me before, but Fuck, Marry, Kill, Chopped Judges Edition

It's the most dangerous game of all.

How does the fox taste? Wa pa pa pa pa pa pow?

And yet the erection persists.

Cat Cora just keeps getting hotter and hotter.

So many American films are decidedly jingoistic, so I thought it was great that this film really emphasized their identity as Jamaicans, particularly through Sanka's big speech. Granted, it was a bit stereotypical, and they should have cast Jamaican actors, but whatever. Noble effort all the same. Also, still my

I remember that one! Didn't Tara Lipinski cameo?

Aww, you're so nice to include Jeremy with the mains, as if he served a higher purpose than "arms." Everyone, pay attention. This is human kindness at its apex.