
Oh, that just makes me sad, though. He was so beautiful.

The A.V. Club

Wrinkling her nose? That's been a signature Katherine face for a while. Elena even practiced it when she pretended to be Katherine last season.

Hush about Mason. We don't talk about all the family members Damon has killed over the years.

When I think about it, I'm pretty sure every episode this season except maybe the premier (and I suppose it's always possible that someone turned Megan) has featured a character who died and came back to life for some reason. It's to the point where I don't even care about major death scenes anymore.

The only remaining Council members I can name are Sheriff Forbes and Stefan's Ex-Wife. The former just let Stefan walk away when he killed a man, the latter probably won't show up again anytime soon.

I thought it was pretty telling that Tyler told her to dance with Stefan. It seemed to me that he knew they have chemistry and he wants Caroline to be happy.

Theories on Tyler's big plan? I'm honestly confused as to why they're giving him what is essentially a repeat of his failed arc last season. Unless they do something amazing, I'm just going to keep wishing they'd let him die with dignity after Klaus murdered his mother.

It was like something first-season Tyler would do.

Not of they do it right. They could have made a character moment out of it— Elena protests, Katherine is shocked into silence, Damon does it anyway, Elena gets mad at Damon. Or have Elena start protesting after Katherine's lost too much blood to speak. Or gotten around it in any number of ways. I'm sorry, but this

He said "you and your friends," so I'd assume he knows about Caroline, too.

I think new guy is pro-vampire, though. He doesn't want people to find out about Elena for whatever reason. We shall see.

Why would it need to be a physical thing? She could have voiced approval or disapproval, regardless of whether she did anything to stop him physically. For the amount she was given to do, she might as well not have been there at all.

And Jesse, though he did technically die last episode.

Yup. They established in S1 that she's not a big fan of secrets and lies. They already had that dumb scene in S4E2 where she got mad at him for withholding information.

Elena also gave Katherine a big speech about why she didn't kill her at the end of last season. The idea that Elena would be apathetic about Katherine's death one way or another is, to me, a betrayal of her character.

3. "Killing her off for teh-drama would be too much repetition of a
favourite emotional beat of this show: The family member dying is
already overused, but the family member showing up and then immediately
dying is even moreso." And that's why I'm convinced it's going to happen. They have a formula and they're going

Tyler flew too close to the sun and now they're probably going to kill him off on The Originals. Or, worse, he'll somehow end up teaming up with Klaus because the writers can't bear to let hot guys die. I can just imagine Klaus giving some overwrought speech about Tyler being like Marcel, resisting his owner and

Grams was a professor and so was Isobel. NEVER FORGET.

The part where they all try to raise their hands that they love her at the end is pretty telling. They're not remotely troubled by the fact they're about to be electrocuted together and they completely sympathize with her fucked up reasoning. It was a great way to end the film.