
I THINK maybe Tyler can use it? Not sure.

Dominica per Malom! Or whatever.

I remember the one where the captain of the rival team can't stop doing backflips. Also, the double-cartwheels!

I remember that one! What was great about Pike's books was that he managed to flesh out all of the characters. The scene where the protagonist finally takes morphine still stands out to me.

I think that every single time I watch Wheel.

And then Damon could look angry, grab Jeremy in a firm hug, stroke his hair (because that's totally how you hug your girlfriend's brother. SatHim can't keep his hands off my brother's hair.) and eyebrow through his grief.

That's how they've always pronounced it, though.

I agree that Stefan's reaction was completely reasonable. I was just annoyed at the lead-up to that. It made no sense that they didn't tell him they were together.

The ONLY triangle scene worth watching was when AMNESIA!Stefan dumped them. I wish this meant the triangle was over for the time being, but I know better than that.

1. I missed the opening scene last night, so I rewatched it and . . . um . . . Damon, there are WAY better ways to prove you're the fun brother. Like, by actually being fun and NOT destroying your beautiful classic muscle car (that Stefan apparently helped you steal). Just a suggestion.

Aww, I love putting TVD character names together. Matt Damon and Bonnie Tyler are my favorite combinations.

Was anyone else amused that Bonnie had something to say to everyone at her funeral EXCEPT DAMON? I giggled in anticipation (hatred lasts beyond the grave) and I guffawed when she ignored him completely. Funerals are supposed to be sad, TVD. Get your shit together.

I was pissed that they played a Birdy song during the "funeral." It just emphasized how lame these scenes were to the wonders of "Skinny Love, Aunt Jenna's Dead and John Wrote a Touching Letter before Dying for His Estranged Daughter."

Also, how much would you love a scene between Caroline and Lydia?

I rewatched S4 when it was on Netflix and I realized that a big reason the second half didn't work for me was the lack of Tyler. He really works best when he's trying to overcome something— turning, the sire bond— and then joining the rest of the cast toward the finale when all the plots coalesce. Part of what made S2

Because women can't drive!

He was the largest Friend.

Hey, sibling!

I figure that's already covered, considering it's someone's username.

You're welcome.