
Minge? Clunge?

SEXY dinosaurs.

I assumed it was a donkey. O'Neal wouldn't stoop to that level. His inner goddess wouldn't allow it.

He could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship. Holy crap!


Your FACE is never right!

What was up with that? The guy is responsible for thousands of deaths and the best they can come up with is a fucking synonym?

I just figure people need to respect a "no" and celebrate a "yes" regardless of gender.

I like MX-5s and I approve. SatHim and I were talking about getting one, but we'd much rather have a backseat. We go on trips a lot, so we need the space for our luggage and, you know, rando hitchhikers.

The best things about the vampire kids episodes:

I forgot about that!

Yeah, I feel like this episode MIGHT have been funnier if it came out ten years ago.


It sounds like she's pretty insecure and I think she'd be mortified if she found out you wrote in to an advice columnist. What I would recommend is showing her the research— that all guys like porn, some guys watch different types of porn, and most guys who watch porn are able to recognize that the people they date…

Yuck. I wish she were spying on YOU so she could understand how others view her actions.

"Didn't let him"? That sounds terrible.

And the "previously on" segments . . . UGH. Almost as bad as "Mystic Falls. I was born here. This is my home. And mine. And mine . . ."

In that case, go to 'Ulupono! It's a beauty school, but they've always done a great job for me. Instructors walk around to make sure they don't fuck up and are also there to consult for product stuff.

I used to get the Crabtree & Evelyn powder in lilac or almond and put it in my shoes. Just not my bits.

Oh, it was funny, but he was obviously doing it so SatelliteHimternet and I would pay attention to him. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.