
2. Yes. That's really the only thing I'm hoping to get out of our tale of epic doppelganger romance. Crazy Damon is ENTERTAINING Damon, and I can't remember the last time he did something remotely interesting.

She's the fricking moonstone!

-The thing is that they've underutilized Caroline this season. I only want to see her if she's being awesome, not if she's being whiny. And, oddly, I've liked Jeremy this season. I don't quite know what to do with myself and all these new feelings.

I'm wondering if any of the other doppelgangers had kids together. Like, if Katherine or Tatia had a kid with a Silas doppelganger. Or is it a destiny of DOOMED love?

It was an infodump of stuff we already figured out. I miss the days when infodumps consisted of finding out that everything we knew was a lie.

1. Why the hell was Katherine in the Salvatore boarding house? If I were Silas, I'd have people posted outside that place at all times.

1. They're out the Hellenize the Roman Empire!

I actually found the love triangle to be compelling in S2 and S3 because it served the plot without overshadowing it. Now, the plot serves the love triangle and it's . . . not as bad as last season, maybe, but it's lost its edge and its unpredictability. TVD works best when I have no idea what the hell is going on and

Also, Hancock.

I'm also unsure of the timeline/bloodline. If Tessa's watched every doppelganger pair fall in love, it makes no sense that they were born so far apart. Tatia was 500 years older than Katherine, who is like 400 years older than Stefan, who's like 150 years older than Elena. Do doppelgangers just have a tendency to turn

Because she didn't really take the cure? She's still out there somewhere, waiting for her one true love? We didn't see the body, after all. Just the heart.

Because plot?

Oh, that would be fantastic. She turned into a vampire after having kids so she could find her mommy. And now, Katherine will find her humanity.

I assumed she was a vampire— I think it was stated in the first episode.

Yeah, I thought his accent was awful, but he did manage to channel the emotions of the character and lose his Matt-ness for a moment

Yeah, I was disappointed as hell to find out I don't get to watch Stefan Rippah-ing it up, though at least this makes all his hallucinations about Damon and Elena seem less pointless.

I predicted THIS ENTIRE PLOT after last season's finale and hoped against hope that it wouldn't come true. I absolutely groaned at the big Nina Dobrev reveal. I'm like a Cassandra, but for shows about hot vampires.

I think it would be great (by which I mean, "horrifyingly inappropriate, yet funny in a so-bad-it's-bad kind of way") if they based a musical drama on the life of George Helm. But a gritty drama about the Farrington zipper lane would be amusing as well.

I don't see why we can't have all three.