
I pretty much loved the whole series. There wasn't much I didn't like. I wasn't always satisfied with how the events unfolded, but I think that's part of it. King always fucks you with expectations. Yet in retrospect, I can't argue with the incredible entertainment he gave me and brought out a lot of different

Linklater's A Scanner Darkly
It's more than just not-terrible, it's great. The visual style works well with the story and the actor's are fun to watch, yes even Keanu who did a really good job in the film. It's a great hangout movie. Every time I watch it, it feels like visiting old friends. It's a sort of sci-fi Big

His style kind of reminded me of Stephen King, which for me is compliment.

Take them to it, they might enjoy it.

That's the worst characterization of Ellis's work. He's not really looking for sympathy with his characters, especially the most repugnant ones.

I view it as a satire of Cop Shows. Works pretty well for me. There are just too many cliches from the supporting characters for it not be satirical.

Problems with SNL
1. Seth Meyers - He appears to be an awful leader for the group, and a bad writer. I thought Tina Fey was poor as head writer, Meyers is so much worse. He's also needs to get off Weekend Update or get a co-anchor, he cannot hold it down, as is evident by the constant barrage of guest commentators.

Well it's the only plastic instrument game where I enjoy playing every track. So it's the best of the bunch.

I love 3D, there are actual gains in storytelling if you use it as part of the composition. You can play with depth to accentuate themes and such. It's interesting to read how they approached UP in 3D. The colors don't have to be muted either, they can compensate for that and approach their color design appropriately.

Well I got lucky with my Literature Degree it seems. We mostly read the classics during my time and the Convener was very open to all the theories, while still stressing the book within it's own context. I also got to chose from a wide breadth on classes such as a Mark Twain or Medieval British Lit or Working Class

Sanitized? It's a pretty fucked up movie. The suicide scene is brutal, and that plotline is heartbreaking. The movie works so well because it deals with intense good and bad feelings. The splitscreen scene is delightful, so when their relationship never quite happens and falls apart, mostly because they are all fucked

There is strategy
It's not in how you're going defeat enemies (atleast on the default mode, Hard mode is demoralizing) but how to rack up points.

Go fuck yourself. Indy 4 has faults, but Indy is still a badass and the action sequences are top notch. Raiders is the best, of course, by far.

Way to miss the point Signal30 . Dr Harford's approach to sexuality is supposed to be atiquated. He gets jealous over something that he shouldn't take too seriously, and winds up putting the relationship in much deeper trouble. They were high when she revealed this, and he kept taking it seriously once they were sober.

if 19 people…
tell the FCC they weren't offended by the finger, can this become a non-issue. I mean majority should rule. Better yet how about 38, for good measure.

No More Heroes
My second favorite game on the Wii, and easily the best one to come out this year. I guess it came out too early for anyone to remember.

Rachel Dawes
The character was just poorly written, and that bothered me much more than the attractiveness of either actress. I mean Gyllenhaal was just as bad in the role as Holmes, can't blame either actress there.

The Tunnel
Seriously, I wishe someone would make a show about the Tunnel in NYC from the 80s. It has an interesting reputation, plus it hasn't been beaten to death.

The whole deal
I'm willing to forgive Polanski for what he's done. He should've served more time and came back and deal with the reprecussions. He didn't and it's pointless to harp on it at this point. He hasn't, as far as anyone knows, done anything as horrible since, and he seems to have learned his lesson (I know,

Carly deserved to go, she's been getting worse as the competition has gone on. She has energy, but her last performance was just her being loud. Her facial expressions are also very annoying.