
I hope they cast Victor Ward, he's still the It boy and it's a shame he never got to do Flatliners 2.

He definitely came up with Marvin accidentally getting shot, the bullets missing Jules and Vincent, and The Gold Watch storyline (at least the Walken part). I know he was in Amsterdam with QT as well working on the script.

Blues, don't act like McCartney was in anyway innocent. He was the leader of the Beatles at the end and his tight grip pissed of the other members. He deserves credit for the great Abbey Road, but his way of keeping the band together fostered resentment between him and John for years.

I really liked Rant as well, especially after the okay Diary and Haunted. I'm finding every other Palahniuk book to be more interesting lately. Rant was good, Snuff was okay, Pygmy was good, Tell-all was okay, here's hoping Damned is good.

The colors in Goodnight Moon are rather garish, almost nightmarish. And of course there is the dead animal rug. I don't think the book is designed to be utterly peaceful but rather to get the imagination going to create interesting dreams. As if to say go to sleep so you can actually play in this world.

Teachers don't deserve to be ridiculed. It has to be the most demanding job if you are doing it right. Children are awful to deal with. They can be atrociously mean little beings and you have to find something in them to find worthy to impart your knowledge. Then you have to deal with their parents. Then you have to

Uncanny Valley is complete bullshit. It's such a simple definition highly dependent on a point of view. I've never really seen a case of it, it's just poor character design, but people love to attach a buzz word to it.

Rockstar has people working on it. The team that did Chinatown Wars.

Definition of traditional Zombies?
If it's Romero's universe, which I believe Darabont has stated is his model, then they are right in line. In Night they use tools, it's a wonderful montage where they all start picking them up. And they all use a ladder pretty easily come the end of Dawn. Also the Hare Krishna zombie

Where do we draw the line?
The joke from the trailer is not funny, we can all agree on that, probably. But it doesn't matter, the content shouldn't matter. There can't be a limit on the content of jokes.

I liked it.
There's something fascinating about him trying to act incompetent, he's oddly competent at it, but not really. Which creates some sort of never-ending loop of uncertainty.

The book is far funnier than the movie. There's that one part where he just shoves cereal in his mouth and runs down the street in Manhattan. I never laughed harder than that from any book. And there are tons 0f incidents like that.

The ride was designed from the beginning with updates in mind, that was one of the main features of it. Most fans expected this to happen sooner and more frequently.

No they are all really funny. Especially when you get them all in a room together and they just start riffing and making fun. It's why Tough Crowd was so good. You get a peak at how comedians create.

The only problem I have with Fauxlivia is it makes it sound like theirs a real and fake one. The alternate Olivia isn't an imitation.

While I don't think it's necessarily love (any strong emotion probably gives one a glimpse into the other timeline, i. e. near death) is love not one of the most powerful emotions?

Hurley asking about the whispers makes sense. That is just how Hurley talks. He was the only one who could've been so blunt about it. Of course they didn't need to be blunt at all.

Random thought, but it's hard to believe William Shatner is a year older than Peter O'Toole.

Kissing in Manhattan By David Schickler
Is one of my favorite collections of all time. Most stories are connected one way or another and it has this great mysterious unexplained element to it, sort of like a big city Twin Peaks but focused just on love. It is a bit corny, but a real page-turner.

I would not call the characters two-dimensional, they weren't. They all developed. Now I didn't like all the characters and some of their arcs, but they did develop. I liked the book, but I thought IT was a better epic King.