
Randy and Pitch
It really is a baloney remark from Randy. He says "pitchy" just to look more critical. It essentially means nothing, especially because he rarely goes into specifics.

MD from TV
I think it's a true discredit to the creative process to fault Mulholland Dr for starting out as a TV pilot. Just because the the initial idea was changed doesn't mean the final outcome (which is all that should matter creatively) is invalid. Ideas change and grow, every single one of them, and almost none

Are you complaining? This is how most albums are anyway. You are going to like some tracks more than others. That's why I hate when people insist an album would be great if they cut some songs out. Yea, but you have all those songs plus some good bonus tracks, therefore it's even better. You're not the band, it's not

It has nothing to do with the setting and everything to do with the story. Cars was very typical, but done well. Ratatouille was surprisingly mature and atypical for a children's animated film, it was executed superbly.

Season 3
With the way show works in playing with expectations, I think early next season Deb will find out the truth about Dexter There are plenty of ways to go for storylines. I think they may use some things from the books they haven't. Either way it'll be aroud a year before we find out. Hopefully the strike won't

Twin Peaks off track
I know I'm in the minority but I love everything about the show. Even the James diversion, in spite of it being the weakest plotline, was still more time spent within Twin Peaks (well just outside).