The K Word

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Wooooah fat Betty!

Seems like it matches the Victorian house where he lives.

My favorite Cheryl line, although it's getting harder and harder to choose one this season

"Try it!"

No, but he did have a garish leisure jacket at the Cos Cobb house party.

Thank you, and good memory! I think I chose it after the season was over, too, so it serves to show my immense MM fandom

I forget, was the Abe she jerked off, or some other random guy?

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Since Alex Mack ended, she's got to pay the rent some how, be it through a Mad Men appearance or some piece of objectivist drivel.

I think it's why he isn't in the show as much as the other secondary office characters. He's too drama-free and happy. And Joyce. I do hope Shoshanna's lesbian counterculture alter-ego makes an appearance again this season.

I care about Ken because as a character who's happy with his career, wife, and general place in life, he makes Pete Campbell look that much more pitiful and sad. And he's a novelist! Not a one-time Boys Life contributor.

The radioactive waste she was exposed as a teen also allowed her to travel back in time.

They've always been positioning Megan ahead of the curve of what's hip, so it makes sense that she'd have the big hair, I think.

Don't forget the orange sherbet (or sherbert?) from HoJo's.

Erik Adams (Sorry, I don't know how to tag you), that's Stan, not Pete Campbell, with the new beard. So…new beard on Stan. That's something, right?

I'm surprised no one has called out the cliche on Adam's instant relapse after seeing an ex. Is it because it's understood by everyone to be a completely true thing that happens to everyone, or just that the drama that ensued was so important and well-played?

I'm surprised no one has called out the cliche on Adam's instant relapse after seeing an ex. Is it because it's understood by everyone to be a completely true thing that happens to everyone, or just that the drama that ensued was so important and well-played?

Her saying that she didn't want to because she hadn't showered was another line to add to my list of reasons I love this show. That's what I think at least half the time a guy's gone down on me, but I've never outright said it.

It didn't bother me, if anything it bothered me much less compared to everything Adam ever yelled out while having sex with Hannah. But I did immediately think "Well, this is a first". So is Game of Thrones the only other time HBO's ever shown semen??

She *did* say earlier in the episode to pull out when he needed to cum. She may have been specific about that instruction, but not specific enough in terms of where it was supposed to go!