The K Word

I wouldn't call it rape, because it's not like she was crawling on all fours because she thought her wanted he to explore his apartment. Getting on all fours struck me as consent to it, whatever that was going to entail.

There's a very similar app (and I forget the name), I was speaking with a gym-rat friend about that is a workout GPS app, where it automatically withdraws a certain amount from your bank account when you don't reach your workout/running goals for the week. So it's not at all farfetched. Hell, if there's an app called

Seconded. I read it on 23 and Me.

Only if protecting your sister from a child molester is something to be ashamed of, chief

I think Adam's already accepted that challenge.

I only clicked on this article because I thought it was Matthew and Ethel starring in a spinoff from Downton Abbey. I was sorely disappointed.

It's an entirely different kind of flying.

I stopped watching his new show when I realized that they didn't have the budget at TBS for those remote satellite segments that I loved so much from Late Night (and Tonight Show, while he was there), where they'd put him at FAO Schwartz, or Martha Stewart's kitchen, or the 19th Century Baseball re-enactors game.

Probably not. If she's not on that new member's staff, then she's got no better a chance than you do.

This was the highest resolution photo of Conan that AVC has on stock? For shame!

Seconded, I laughed too. I'm no film snob, but even the cinematography of that wine cellar scene seemed to imply to the comedic nature too. Wide shot with no cutaways, comedy; up-close prolonged shot of character crying, not comedy.


Shine? Don't make me look that up on urban dictionary.

No more Mr. Nice Jesus.

Probably the older daughter, Hayley. She's the, ahem, free spirit girl on the show. But it doesn't matter, the joke is no less humorous if you haven't watched the show.

As a chick, I'm not at all embarrassed that line made me burst out laughing for an extended period of time (and replayed, to boot) at was Krieger's "Stop, stop…my penis can only get so erect." An A+ episode all through out.

But isn't Shoshanna still in college at NYU/just barely out of school? As a girl who is the same age as the characters, I've always thought a small part of her perkiness has been the fact that she's only just begun post-college adulthood, whereas the rest of the characters are much further along that road.

Nothing BUNDT trouble, Sir. Know your desserts.

Reagan, not Nixon.

Great review, although I wish you'd mentioned the clip of Halle Berry blowing out a blind kid's birthday cake as part of the trailer, to which I was subjected to far too many times last night while watching actual quality comedies on TV. Saving this for a World of Flops piece, I take it?