The K Word

For me, Cam & Mitch stories work best when they're not together, rather they're interacting with the rest of the Pritchett brood.

Nah, he's hot, 'nuff said. Don't overthink it.

While that's definitely true for me and many of my fellow gals, it doesn't mean that I don't want to throw something at the TV every time Gwen and unnamed-Brunette make an appearance on this show. That's when I feel like Mindy Kaling is trying to shoehorn some sort of miniature watered-down version of Sex and the City

Sims, can you speak to the two full grade's difference between your assessment and the community's?

Agreed. If this show were just to have the lead be Danny plus everyone else, with much less Mindy, it might have a chance at being more than half-decent.

So is it fair to say that you're just hate-watching it at this point?

May I posit that this is partially due to the fact that Sims is a dude, and therefore is biologically incapable of enjoying the final scene as much as I did? Half the reason I watch at this point is for Danny, and now weird-but-sexy Mark Duplass? Yes please.

The community grade speaks to this difference in opinion. I long ago accepted that this season is still finding itself, but I still enjoy several moments per episode, even if the wild inconsistency still can't be denied.

I loved his little awkward pauses after each song waiting for Mindy to walk in on him. I can't imagine he's the only guitar-playing guy who has made this exact move on a lady.

They DID rip it off! The only difference is this time it wasn't hot.

AV Club. They've done some casting changes (Shauna is leaving, Gwen will be much less prominent, etc). I can't find the link, but I remember learning of it on this site. Sims?

Fingers crossed for another appearance of Babe Lincoln.

Fingers crossed for another appearance of Babe Lincoln.

They've never explained her Dad, have they?


@avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus , no mention of the Terminator 2 parody with Tina's leg hair? That was the cherry on top for me.

We both love the outdoors

Anything beyond kissing, but that doesn't explicitly show them in bed. I think that's what counts as .5

This is outstanding! I like this so much that I may very well be upset if the actual writers DON'T use the 500 Miles song in the finale. I never considered the possibility that they'll pull a Sopranos ending and never show us the mother's face. So are you a busboy/screenwriter in real life?