The K Word

Haven't they already done a lot of that so far? There was the pilot at the end when she delivered a baby, then when she challenged Danny to give her a full checkup and he chickened out, then when she tried to persuade that teen neighbor not to have sex, and the finally all of the plotlines that have revolved around

Her mother who was an OBGYN recently passed away after battling pancreatic cancer, so yeah, she loved her Mom a lot. Also, Jews & the deli business?? Well I guess there is such a lack of Jewish people in the medical profession.

Her mother who was an OBGYN recently passed away after battling pancreatic cancer, so yeah, she loved her Mom a lot. Also, Jews & the deli business?? Well I guess there is such a lack of Jewish people in the medical profession.

Yeah, it shows how useless Gwen is when the line "Do you like art? Do you like good food? Do you like uncircumcised penises?" from the nameless chick is better compared to everything Gwen has ever said so far in the entire series.

Yeah, it shows how useless Gwen is when the line "Do you like art? Do you like good food? Do you like uncircumcised penises?" from the nameless chick is better compared to everything Gwen has ever said so far in the entire series.

Betsy does need some work, but this show is still so very new. It's been what, only 7 episodes at this point?

Betsy does need some work, but this show is still so very new. It's been what, only 7 episodes at this point?

I thought it was a reference to how there is another KFC chain (Kennedy instead of Kentucky) in Queens and Brooklyn.

I thought it was a reference to how there is another KFC chain (Kennedy instead of Kentucky) in Queens and Brooklyn.

@avclub-ca81034275abbf70d907ff05dcccb8ad:disqus Height is a much lesser factor in my male sexiness algorithm

@avclub-ca81034275abbf70d907ff05dcccb8ad:disqus Height is a much lesser factor in my male sexiness algorithm

Exactly. We can all say it's not perfect and nitpick this or that about tone and plots, and yet we come back to watch week after week. Our behavior belies our words.

Exactly. We can all say it's not perfect and nitpick this or that about tone and plots, and yet we come back to watch week after week. Our behavior belies our words.

Yes, total change only. Also, as @avclub-6c41a848dfa4940df29a4b126d480bf1:disqus noted, Drew Carey and others have altered their songs (I didn't presume it's never ever happened, only that it's rare). I'd add only that Drew Carey was a little more of an outlier given how much they loved to incorporate musical numbers

Yes, total change only. Also, as @avclub-6c41a848dfa4940df29a4b126d480bf1:disqus noted, Drew Carey and others have altered their songs (I didn't presume it's never ever happened, only that it's rare). I'd add only that Drew Carey was a little more of an outlier given how much they loved to incorporate musical numbers

"And finally, there's that pilot Mindy Kaling is working on, what's it called again?"
"I forget, The Mindy, um, Show? Or is it just "Mindy"? Let's just call it the Mindy project until it's greenlit"- Fox Network Exec's convo 8 months ago

"And finally, there's that pilot Mindy Kaling is working on, what's it called again?"
"I forget, The Mindy, um, Show? Or is it just "Mindy"? Let's just call it the Mindy project until it's greenlit"- Fox Network Exec's convo 8 months ago

I'd say that 30 Rock does the same thing very effectively with Liz's boyfriends, but the problem here is that Mindy Project is doing all of this waaay too fast. Build up slowly to some occasional drama amid the good farce, and it would redeem itself more.

I'd say that 30 Rock does the same thing very effectively with Liz's boyfriends, but the problem here is that Mindy Project is doing all of this waaay too fast. Build up slowly to some occasional drama amid the good farce, and it would redeem itself more.

So are you just hate-watching it at this point, or is there nothing better on Tuesdays for you?