The K Word

So are you just hate-watching it at this point, or is there nothing better on Tuesdays for you?

This show's characters are fine, the core problem right now is just inconsistency of story tones. Other than Gwen, there's not one person on this show I would remove or alter in any way.

This show's characters are fine, the core problem right now is just inconsistency of story tones. Other than Gwen, there's not one person on this show I would remove or alter in any way.

There's already a Kennedy's Fried Chicken throughout the outer boroughs, so there's got to be a fake Popeye's too

There's already a Kennedy's Fried Chicken throughout the outer boroughs, so there's got to be a fake Popeye's too

I'm looking forward to less of Gwen (who I'm pretty sure is based on Mindy's actual bff Brenda, for those of you who've read Mindy Kaling's book). I want to just fast forward through her all her scenes, because it always feels like they're just shoehorning some cliched Sex and the City "girls be talkin'" schtick into

I'm looking forward to less of Gwen (who I'm pretty sure is based on Mindy's actual bff Brenda, for those of you who've read Mindy Kaling's book). I want to just fast forward through her all her scenes, because it always feels like they're just shoehorning some cliched Sex and the City "girls be talkin'" schtick into

The will they/won't they between Mindy & Danny is the one thing that's making want to tune in for the long haul, if only because…mmm, Chris Messina. Tall glass of water that man is…

The will they/won't they between Mindy & Danny is the one thing that's making want to tune in for the long haul, if only because…mmm, Chris Messina. Tall glass of water that man is…

They can't throw him out entirely, since that would put an end to too many potential story lines, be they accidental run-ins or sexual backslides. Not to mention he was funny.

They can't throw him out entirely, since that would put an end to too many potential story lines, be they accidental run-ins or sexual backslides. Not to mention he was funny.

Bam, bam, BAM!

Bam, bam, BAM!

We are likely stuck for good with DJ Chicken. Can anyone name me a show that's ever redone the opening music, other than making it shorter for when it goes into syndication?

We are likely stuck for good with DJ Chicken. Can anyone name me a show that's ever redone the opening music, other than making it shorter for when it goes into syndication?

I"ve been in a similar situation (okay, vaguely similar situation) from last night's show. You do naturally hate the other woman even when it's the guy who was been the one miscommunicating/being a lying-by-omission d'bag, but resorting to violence, be it cartoonish or not, towards said "other woman" is something that

I"ve been in a similar situation (okay, vaguely similar situation) from last night's show. You do naturally hate the other woman even when it's the guy who was been the one miscommunicating/being a lying-by-omission d'bag, but resorting to violence, be it cartoonish or not, towards said "other woman" is something that

You've got no love for Chris Messina?

You've got no love for Chris Messina?

While I totally agree that this show is incredibly schizophrenic with its tone, I do think it's very good with individual characters jokes; Morgan and Danny are the two people who make me *genuinely* laugh out loud every single episode.