The K Word

After Signal 30, I've realized that Mad Men doesn't give much story to people who are genuinely content and happy with their lives like Ken. Then I realized how dumb it was to think this was a new revelation after 5 years of this show.

Blood on the Tracks - Dylan
Blood on the Highway - NYS DMV

I happen to have learned that same word from Season 4 when Roger said Cooper had a REAL one. But Pete's may be worse than Cooper's.

Now it's "Blood on the Highway", fyi, at least in NY state.

It may be tiny, but Megan won my heart a bit more with that line.

Any shot of Pete Campbell having fear struck into his pasty little white self, it's a moment of glee for me.

If next season the Campbells install a pool, then I will feel like Weiner is just giving away the ending. For Pete, at least.

I think it's always going to remain a symbol of Pete's metaphorical orchiectomy from getting married and settling down, hence it will never be fired.

Will the series finale be Pauline, in the library, with a butcher knife?

It was for me once Peggy and Joan were startled by the lamp jiggling

I thought he said NEAR a place like this

Really? Peggy may have had some unfortunate outcomes just like anyone, but her life as gradually been getting better and better as the series has progressed (boyfriend, hipster friend, satisfying job, etc)

Alternate title: Rumble in the pale-ass-Anglo Saxon Jungle

You stupid monkey!


"Mong"??? Am I behind the times, or is this another one of those lesser-known British-only slurs?

@avclub-4369a7506a50bd14d4540f91219319a7:disqus I'd make the argument that it seemed doomed to end from the moment he became Dr Rapist, and because theirs was the only marriage told from the woman's standpoint, in which we knew that she was the alpha dog in the relationship.

@avclub-7833d176ad6f6dde5efc95848e6f47a8:disqus By our modern standards, I would call it racism, but by standards of that day, yes,  I agree that she's not exactly George Wallace in her hesitation about the leaving the money.

Yup, that's it. Thus marks the second appearance of "reds" !

I think the "Want to give me your watch?" line was Peggy symbolically performing an orchidectomy on Roger.