The K Word

Breakup, drugs, knives, racist Peggy, murder (actual and imagined). What's not to love this week, dammit?!

If it takes a knife-wielding drug-peddling Granny to give Sally some emotional support, then by all means Matthew Weiner can keep it coming.

I fell for it until I thought oh shit, Don's gonna need a new identity again. Then I figured it had to be a dream because of said thought.

I don't love the previews either, but can we at least acknowledge that they do serve the purpose of showing us which characters will pop up next week, e.g. Lane?

She's gotten to him more than "quitting" smoking and going to the Y for a swim ever did. Bravo to Megan…until he inevitably cheats again, at least.

Your post.

Once Sal rode off into the anonymous sex sunset, they needed a new gay character. I hope she pops up more often this season, if only so that Peggy can get high again.

Save for the racism, yeah. Sad to say that she was my personal idol until this episode.

Peggy gets cocky for the first time, AND she's revealed some ingrained racism. Hence she's finally a true Sterling Cooper employee.

Whether his mother died in a concentration camp or not, his disgust at their ogling of Joyce's photos serves as a reminder that the Holocaust was still in much more recent memory of people than it is today, or so I think it was implied by that scene.

Ummm, no, she didn't?

Did anyone catch the name of the drug Pauline gave to Sally?

Did she mean the rape, or could she have been implying that he's impotent??


Maybe Les Quebecois don't emphasize the nasal on that particular word?

Roger chillaxing on his mod recliner in the dark was even more on the nose than the accordion in the restaurant. My career is "in recline"! I'm "in the dark" about my business! Ba-dum-CHIK.

Finally finally FINALLY Peggy is as cocky as the rest of the SCDP employees! I loved her line where she noted the genuine advantage of Roger not knowing her salary. And taking his watch.

Yes, justification for the B is needed, Todd.

But the Chinamen might steal it to buy more chickens!

The bar is indeed pretty low for most of these people. I've always said the same thing about Harry when it comes to his marriage, but again…low bar.