The K Word

Threw in the towel how? By not explaining back story on him, or by not having them split up/having him die sooner?

Well come on, Joan's over 30, so why would she ever think of leaving Greg? /sarc

One thing I thought was odd was that Dawn mentioned the riots in Bed Stuy as a reason they wouldn't pick her up, but Bed Stuy is in Brooklyn, not Harlem. So yeah, probably just racism in general, with the Bed Stuy stuff brought up only for historical placement.

Gave this one an A-. How does Joan's dumping Greg not warrant at least a B+ ?

I'm also psyched about Ginsburg this season. I don't think even Don has ever had a one-two punch of succesful pitches to a client before, and right off the top of his head (drunken Life cereal notwithstanding) like that, so I think the anger had more to do with his talent being challenged than Ginsburg's supposed

This was a rare time when I welcomed a change in tone from Weiner & Co (or whoever wrote this ep), albeit an isolated one. Have we ever had a legitimately fear-filled episode before? The Bay of Pigs episode from Season 1, but that was more of a sobering sort of fear rather than the holy-crap-Don's-choking-a-b*tch

I think they do have some battery memory when you unplug them (a la Bob's Burger's similar arcade game plot last Sunday), but once the battery dies the memory is wiped.

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus Like Mitt Romney compared to all of the other former and current GOP candidates, Harry is merely better than the rest of them. And by "better" I mean least sleazy.

So I'm taking it that there is not yet a Mad Men fan fic site? How is this possible after 5 years?

Did Abe replace Paul, 60s commie character-wise? I miss Paul, if only so I could laugh at him and his stoned T.S. Eliot-quoting hijinks

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus What was the drug with the Jet Setters? I remember it was injectable, but it wasn't heroin.

Douche is way too strong. Isolated sexual harassment from last week aside, Harry's always had my respect as a gal because he's the only guy who came forward with cheating AND then begged his wife to let him back. The worse you can say about him is that he's like Pete without the silver spoon.

Well, they weren't oysters, so….

True, I'm fine with it in small subtle doses.

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus Between Harry getting semi-high and eating White Castle burgers and Henry calling (Gov. George) Romney a clown, was this episode not the closest Weiner & Co have come to making Aughts-era shout-outs? That Decemberists intro song from the Maidenform bra episode does not

Oh how I loves it, almost as much as any key

*******   Popcorn
>>>>>   Bugles

@Automatic_Taglines:disqus Yesss, I think I've seen her do stand up before! Now I'm genuinely upset that she won't be filling a spot in the Featured's row.  Also: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

@avclub-fcff94e3a5fc07b69e42a97584a5b761:disqus It is a sad irony that a writer's room full of all-but-certain Obama voters won't let a black woman into their club.

I half-agree with Sean for this reason. They picked someone openly gay AND female, but we still have to be total Eeyores about this because they still haven't traded in Jay Pharaoah for a competently talented black woman?