The K Word

Arab doesn't count??

She's Iranian Jewish. Yes, they exist.

Aaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhh. There. I just don't have the energy to get into that discussion for the umpteenth time.

It's bittersweet that we finally have a great person to play Obama in Jordan Peele, but he's already on a different show.

Is it possible she's actually too famous to be hired? She's already on Archer, and was on Friends too (even if she was only playing token minority girlfriend) She WOULD be funny if there were some half decent material written for her, the latter of which is doubtful unfortunately

It means you get f***** up for less $$$ !

He was married to Elizabeth Moss for about a year, so he's at least bi, if not actually straight.

Can someone please name one? I'm all for diversity of talent, and I'm not suggesting that there aren't any, but honestly, Wanda Sykes is the only female black comedian I know that's made an impression on me.

@avclub-d155e6847d268061f3d8cd008a44a202:disqus How can you say "still sucks" when he's done this?

What was her name again?? She hasn't been back since that one time she did a bit (the trapped in a glass box bit with the other correspondents didn't have dialogue), so I guess Jon Stewart & Co isn't giving her a chance either.

Seconded. It's a kind of marine eel, not a subjective standard of morality!

After imagining the possibility of Barney and Quinn ending up together, doesn't Robin/Barney at least seem better by comparison? In the end I think Quinn is the vehicle through which Barney realizes he really does want to get married, things ultimately don't work out with Quinn for reasons to be explained later, and

Because that's just too witty for Ryan Murphy.

Maybe I'm being too much of a Pollyanna here, but is it possible that episodes like this one seem worse than they really are (not that I loved this episode; it was still B- quality) only because we've had so many knock outta the park episodes throughout this season? The lows can seem much lower after gems like

Yeah, and Quinn joining in on Legen-waitforit-dary doesn't sit right with me

I think we might maybe MAYBE get some sort of response from Robin about the Barney/Quinn development before the finale, but I'm more suspicious that the writers are going to punt till next season by having Robin go bullfighting/butter festivaling/whatevs for the next few episodes….

While I agree it's a little odd for Robin to lack any reaction to Barney & Quinn, it could just be because the writers know they can get away with the Robin-shuts-off-her-feelings trait she's had throughout the series.

I haven't come to a final conclusion on Quinn after what, 2 episodes featuring her? But I guess it's too obvious to bother stating in the review that Barney's ultimate irony is that when he finally gets to bang a stripper, HE'S the one who wants her to stop someday AND she will only do it be getting married. Be

Tina they can change all they want, because she's their go-to character for mocking awkward teenage years. But keep Gene & Louise forever crazy!

If you live in the NYC area, go to the Bell House in Brooklyn. He hosts something there practically every week (and has done so recently with both Bob's Burgers AND Archer!).