
Traveling To England
I have been once to England. I did not go on a trip of restaurants but I did eat at several restaurants. I was alone. I flew there on airplanes before I was married to my wife who later died of suicide. My wife had never been to England and we had talked of going there during our time of marriage,

I'm 300 pages into this bad boy and loving it. I'm grateful for the deliberate pacing. Makes me feel like I'm really absorbed in something. And I've been assured that Straub ties everything together in the end. It hasn't exactly been *scary* so far, but very entertaining.

Larry Sanders
The Larry Sanders Show was a goldmine for these — off the top of my head, I can think of Ben Stiller, Jon Stewart, Dave Chapelle…

Paris Trout
I read "Paris Trout" a few years ago (excellent novel btw) and have been meaning to read some more Pete Dexter since then. I've heard that "Train" is also teh awesome. But this sounds good too. Too much books

This sucks but
I disagree with your premise that this hasn't been a great summer for movies. Granted, it's mostly been a great summer for indies, but come on: Hurt Locker, Humpday, Moon, In the Loop, Tetro … and the divisive but impossible-to-ignore studio films Public Enemies and now Inglorious Basterds. Pretty

I will listen to this
After I see the movie at noon on Friday.

So is this not playing theatrically anywhere other than New York? That sucks, even with the VOD option.

Just start with The Crying of Lot 49. It's short (almost novella length), it's accessible, and it's fucking awesome.

Anything could be
your brand new love

Aspect Ratio
Furthermore, why was this video shot in the wide 2.35:1 aspect ratio? Its not exactly an epic with sweeping vistas and exacting compositions.

Fuck him for not knowing Jeffrey Jones' name, and for assuming that nobody knows Jeffrey Jones' name.

You should've asked him why it's still okay to be racist towards Asians. I'm not the PC Police, but come on. Ken Jeong is funny but he tends to put his talents to use doing awful minstrel-show performances, at least in The Hangover.

Do we really need to mourn this?
Wasn't this show on for like six seasons? That's a full run, right there. And the last few times I tuned in, did not find it funny at all.

Time Travler's Wife
No review of Time Traveler's Wife?

Nice job, Handlen. But you'll never top this:

I think it means they weren't sending out advance copies so the reviewer had to go buy the book like any other schmuck and will be reviewing it once he's done.

Back when I was first discovering Cronenberg and making my way through his back catalog, Dead Ringers was the one I just couldn't get into. Loved Videodrome, loved The Fly, even loved eXistenZ…but to this day, Dead Ringers is the only Cronenberg for which I feel nothing. What's wrong with me? I guess I

Jack Donaghy
What if the Germans had won the war, Lemon?

Voll Man
Donna - for those of us who are interested in Vollmann in theory but have been unable to complete any of his books, is it safe to assume that we probably won't make it through this behemoth either? Or is it accessible despite its size?

Ad Men
My father was an ad man in the 1960s. Only once as a boy did I visit his office. I recall nothing of the hedonistic atmosphere of "Mad Men" - no drinking on the clock, no jocular sexual abuse of secretaries. I recall that my father acted very stiff and uncomfortable - he worked in the corporate department