Foosball Prodigy Jackson Staal

Highway 61
Start in Thunder Bay. Get a dead body. Hide cocaine in it. Drive it to New Orleans, making sure to play bingo, do streetcorner haircuts, and party with Art Bergmann along the way.

The shark in the underwater fathering tank. The "Not again!" cry just slays me, every single time.

Zev in the shiny pyjamas made me crack up. I think this was one of my favourite AR seasons ever, precisely because so many of the teams seemed to be actually having fun, determined to get the most out of the experience whether they won or not. See also: the Globetrotters dancing during the drink-making task…

They tend to limit things to one "hook" per team. Luke can be deaf or gay, but not both. If he wanted to be gay on the show, he should have stopped being deaf for a few weeks. Some people want it all.

Greatest Steve Earle Album?
Vote here.

Man, I love Steve Earle — and Clark and Prine too — but you guys are all wrong. Tom Waits is the GLASW.

Actually, "dwarfs" is more correct, or was. Tolkien actually pulled a hissy-fit with his publishers over that one, insisting that it be -ves and yelling something about how he wrote the damn dictionary.

Mrs D has, I assume.

Oof. That makes a lot more sense, then.

What the fuck are you talking about? Also, it's spelled Alexandre.

The only thing that would make me happy about Matt is if he suddenly started bleeding uncontrollably from his palms and had to be med-evac'd for acute stigmata.

Kiss my ass, I bought a boat, I'm going out to sea.

I suspect one of the problems is that everyone is afraid of broaching the question, in case word gets back to Rob. If you're Natalie, do you trust Phil or Grant or Andrea not to rat you out? If you're Grant, do you trust Natalie not to run straight to Rob? They all know how quickly and ruthlessly Matt was dealt

The awesome thing about George is that I can realistically, believably, imagine him on either extreme end of this: "It's all just pipes!" on one side or "We're living in a society here!" on the other.

He wins the Bollingen prize for Outstanding Chalkboard Scribblings while kept in a cage by the American military.

You missed Land of Rape and Honey, If I Should Fall From Grace With God,
Short Sharp Shocked, Copperhead Road, Tracy Chapman (I rather expect mockery for this one, but fuck it, I loved that shit)… 88 was definitely better than 89, but no one's convincing me either was actually great.

Sunny Side of the Street is probably my favourite Shane-MacGowan-is-a-Slurring-Drunk-Crazy-Fuck-and-How-Could-You-Not-Love-Him? song (a surprisingly large category). I don't remember anything else from Hell's Ditch, except wasn't that the one with the weird Lorca song?

Shit, I loved Peace & Love back then. Doesn't hold up so well. The older I get, the fewer albums my favourite bands have ever made. The Pogues are down to 2, Rum Sodomy & the Lash and If I Should Fall from Grace with God. The rest are just rumours.

Straight Outta Compton was 88.

Minority Report was extraordinary.