
Hen? I thought he said Head. Ohhhhhhhhhh

I thought the American Dream died in the mid-60's.

The mail car(t) hits the horse, you oaf!

Matthew Broderick's life has most of the major components of Tess of the d'Urbervilles, but all out of whack, it seems.

I only have a masters, so I guess I will have to settle for Burger Docent. Maybe get some Burger Adjunct jobs on the side(s).

I think the issue, as I see it, comes more from momentum, not weight. However, I have not myself had spacesex so I can't say with certainty.

Spacemen and Spacewomen are in tremendous shape, too, which makes it a lot more feasible than like if you expected a normal dude to suspend himself from the ceiling to get rutty.

7) Whenever Knuckles isn't on screen, Tails should be asking "Where's Knuckles?"

1)More Big The Cat.
2)Only Casino Levels.
3)Make it a Rhythm Game.

Just a regular sleeping bag, maybe?

I remember watching a Discovery Channel special about sex in space requiring interlocking sleeping bags and a great deal of patience, so I am curious now what kind of apparatus is necessary to jack it in space.

Earl is deeply disappointed he stopped hanging out with Toejam to make precious nonsense.

I replayed Mischief Makers over the summer, and man did Treasure have some wonkity-ass character designs.

Stilt guys appear in several levels, although it does synch up nicely with the "Flowers and Gardens" theme of level 1-6. My first thought was the woodwind breakdown in the underground theme, though, which makes less sense thematically, but fits the lyrics better.

I got Kirby's Dreamland 2 and a Gameboy for my 6th birthday, and kept trying to reinforce to my parents that they had made a good decision in buying it for me. The tactic I chose was to claim it was educational, since the sound you made when taking damage sounded like a cymbal (the most erudite form of percussion)

To which theme? I need a new party trick.

Dave Wise — Doneky Kong 64 rap

Or The USA America?


This statement contains no glaring errors in phrasing!