Thomas- wait no, Thomas's EXISTENCE slays me. We can always expect when he actually does make an appearance, that he'll just be standing there with a confused look on his face doing a whole lot of nothing.
Thomas- wait no, Thomas's EXISTENCE slays me. We can always expect when he actually does make an appearance, that he'll just be standing there with a confused look on his face doing a whole lot of nothing.
I'm starting to think that maybe i'm just growing out of this show. Even when an enjoyable episode comes on, anymore it just feels like a chore to watch it. I don't blame the show, I think maybe my tastes are just changing.
It lost me within the first 2 minutes. I tried to pay attention to it, and ended up reading webcomics instead. This seems to be my typical process while watching this show anymore.
Glad I wasn't the only one who caught that. Don't get me wrong, I was just as happy as everyone else to see Mordecai and Margaret's relationship "out of the friendzone", but I really hope that doesn't change his relationship with the park worker's, and above all, Rigby. In recent episodes, it seems Mordecai and Rigby…
I was at work, and missed it. Glad to hear it was a good episode though, if you enjoyed it, chances are I will too.
Okay now don't get me wrong, the episode was great.
I get the feeling that this might be a turning point for the show. I mean the Mordecai/Margaret relationship was really the only continuous storyline this show has. I got the idea at the end, after they held hands, that they're pretty much dating.. so what's next?
Considering we know 0 to nothing about his personality, it's hard to evaluate him, but from what we've seen so far, he seems to be kind of a jerk. To be fair, he doesn't know Muscle Man THAT well, but it was kind of a dick move to question it right then and there. For awhile, I just assumed that they'd write him out,…
You know, I saw that sign and acknowledged it, and the joke still went right over my head until someone brought it up.
I just thought of something here… I mean, i'm not exactly sure what Thomas's purpose is, other than the doormat intern, but what if the reason why he's been absent for so long is because they weren't sure how the audience would respond to him. When you think about it, Quintel said each episode takes roughly 9 months…
I guess my biggest issue with this episode was it seemed too similar to an episode of "Chowder", if you ever watched that show.
I don't care how you perceive Thomas, or his role on the show.. if you didn't at the very least crack a smile when his consciousness appeared as an actual goat, I don't trust you.
Anyway, as usual, i'm with the reviewer on this one. I mean, even with an episode (supposedly) centered on him, he still has a stunning lack…
Couldn't agree more. I'v kind of turned away from this show for the most part, but last night's episode gave me hope that the show might still have a chance. I mean it wasn't FANTASTIC in my opinion, but definitely in the top 5 of my favorites from the season. (and it's still got like 20 more episodes to go)…
I'm with you 100%. I haven't been commenting on these reviews, because honestly I hardly watch the show anymore. 2 years ago, I was crazy about it, and now.. hell, I even forgot it was on last night. It's more of a chore to watch now. At first I wasn't sure if it was just because I found something new to obsess over,…
Couldn't agree more. 2 years ago I jumped through hoops to makes sure I didn't miss a single premeire. Now it's even gotten to the point where couldn't care less to watch it or not. At first I couldn't decide whether the show was declining, or if I was just moving on. It's pretty obvious it's the first, because I will…
What's weird is that the episodes airing now were made months before the audience could even respond to Thomas. There must be another reason they immediatly stopped using him because i'm stumped.
I agree 100%. Honestly, i'v just about given up any hope that the show will bounce back. It's a real shame because i'v been with the show since the beginning, and I wanted to end with it too. The RS crew.. they had something so fresh and orginal, and they blew it. Since season 4 kinda flopped, i'm pretty sure that…
Hot damn Margaret. Throughout all 4 seasons she has been my least favorite character, but this episode proved that there is a lot more to her than meets the eye. I certainly hope we just hit a milestone here with their relationship.
I"v noticed that i'm growing less excited for the coming week with each new episode that airs this season. I'm really sorry to say this, but i'm starting to think that Regular Show isn't in a slump, it's just the way the show has changed and it's probably going to stay that way. It's almost painful to say this,…
Not a fan of this one. I really hope i'm wrong, but i'm starting to fear that the show is running out of ideas, ALREADY! The show has only been on the air for a little more than 2 years, and it seems like it's lost it's luster. The story was so typical and cheesy, and I only found myself chuckling about once or twice.…
Haha glad i'm not the only one who noticed his magazine..