
I don't know if it's because I expected this episode to be awful, or if it actually wasn't that bad, but well…it wasn't that bad. hehe. The only reason i'm repulsed by Muscle Man and Starla's relationship is because of the nasty flopping tits and the make-out sessions, but they toned it down quite a bit in this one..

Wa-wait what? Which episode?

What really got me laughing in this episode was Benson's unnecessary fit of rage when he was found screaming to the heavens while waiting for the group to get back.

While I agree with that, I would say it was second to worst of the season, with "Bald Spot" being number one. That episode was horrific.

This episode is generally getting low to negative reviews. I personally enjoyed it. It was a breath of fresh air from the constant focus on "deep" stories and character development (not that I dislike those episodes, but there seems to be tons of them lately). Sure it wasn't my favorite, but I was kept interested the

Come to think of it, I hardly see any of the episodes from season 1 air anymore. It's a shame really, considering season 1 was my favorite, with season 2 following pretty close. The newer ones just don't have the same magic they had when the show first started. They still manage to put out quality episodes, but it's

I guess it really depends on what you enjoy about Regular Show the most. Personally, it's not that I dislike character development/relationsip episodes, but I enjoy ones that revolve around Mordecai and Rigby's antics a whole lot more. Hopefully, Regular Show will continue to provide a good mixture of the romancy

Overall, solid episode. It's a shame that so much had to be cut due to time. If you read the original storyboard, in the first panel they had Mordecai say "pissed". Only one can wonder how many times they have tried to use that word since the first season, and it didn't make it through.

I'v given up hope that he will be developed more. Afterall, J.G said himself that he was based after an actual person named Thomas that worked for him, and everyone shit on him all the time. He has proven to be just that.

I'v given up hope that he will be developed more. Afterall, J.G said himself that he was based after an actual person named Thomas that worked for him, and everyone shit on him all the time. He has proven to be just that.

Uh I don't think there's an "Audrey hate club" here. That was just me. Seriously, I was just being a dick last night. I don't actually hate Audrey, I was just trying to get a rise out of someone… obviously it worked.
Oh and I agree about the ugly christmas sweater comment. I don't think that was meant to be mean, she

Uh I don't think there's an "Audrey hate club" here. That was just me. Seriously, I was just being a dick last night. I don't actually hate Audrey, I was just trying to get a rise out of someone… obviously it worked.
Oh and I agree about the ugly christmas sweater comment. I don't think that was meant to be mean, she

I think they should have thrown Audrey into the lava pit. I was really hoping they dropped her after "Weekend at Benson's" and "Fortune Cookie". I agree that Benson needs a love interest, but her? Why her? She's boring, and kind of a bitch. I don't think she has any place in Regular Show… she's a human for heaven's

I think they should have thrown Audrey into the lava pit. I was really hoping they dropped her after "Weekend at Benson's" and "Fortune Cookie". I agree that Benson needs a love interest, but her? Why her? She's boring, and kind of a bitch. I don't think she has any place in Regular Show… she's a human for heaven's

Alright alright… i'll admit SOLID episode. I'v been criticizing this show pretty harshly lately, but this one ,indeed, lived up to my expectations. (not quite as much as "Exit 9b" but pretty damn close.)
Just some crap I feel like discussing:
- If Pop's wrestling a polar bear wasn't epic enough, the fricken thing

Alright alright… i'll admit SOLID episode. I'v been criticizing this show pretty harshly lately, but this one ,indeed, lived up to my expectations. (not quite as much as "Exit 9b" but pretty damn close.)
Just some crap I feel like discussing:
- If Pop's wrestling a polar bear wasn't epic enough, the fricken thing

I'm not kidding, I own a sweater almost identical to Benson's….

I'm not kidding, I own a sweater almost identical to Benson's….

I'v even heard people call her a platypus. How in the world would anyone mistake her for a platypus?

I'v even heard people call her a platypus. How in the world would anyone mistake her for a platypus?