
I like your take. I love Todd, but he got a little over analytical for a show like this

Todd + loneliness + sadness = <3

it has been a mild decline since season 6. the jokes have always been solid, and even if the arcs have been lackluster, it's been pretty hilarious on an episode to episode basis. thank god some of us don't nitpick the shit out of these things

that sketch was always the most overrated piece of shit anyways

does "in the demo" mean 18-35?

people tuning in to watch Minka Kelly be hot deserve contempt? Since when is heterosexuality such a crime?

You are so much better than these things Amelie. YOU ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN EVERYTHING

Micheael J Fox jokes are not cool. Since when is it OK to make fun of debilitating diseases? That just seems excessive. So much other material out there, that's just some cheap shock value. Then again, shouldn't be surprised to see that at an event MacFarlame hosts

hell yeah

that doesn't sound like such a bad idea. ghostbusters 2 is great, stop hating. Why does this cynical site always say that the movie itself is cynical? Projection, I guess. Dan Aykroyd may be kinda whack sometimes but he seems like a nice guy who wants to put on a good show, however naively misguided.

those girls are bitches

I know this movie is most likely indeed terrible, but I can't stand listen to Rabin criticize a comedy when his own instincts (tastes aside) are so incredibly horrendous. the man does not deserve to use the word "fuck"


reading these comments and remembering all these amazing moments really brings to light how egregious this review is

That's incredibly comforting

Billy Madison is a C?
FUCK YOU. Your entire cred is shot. Fuck you

why didn't you ask him about that? that was my introduction to him, believe it or not

Good For Youuuuuuuuuuuuu

Oscar Dance
Which one was that?

Homocil Sketch
I remember Morgan's character hitting the bottle particularly hard: