
Please do this
not Bruce Almighty, but the other one. enough of this emo shit.

Jeremy Piven
Why did he leave the show again? To be on Ellen?

the spoiler
What was the spoiler that the extra leaked? I avoided the story so I wouldn't receive the spoiler, but I've seen nothing that was Earth shattering in the past few eps. I would've thought Todd would've mentioned when it came to pass, but he didn't.

I look to your Harry Potter love when it comes to looking past your Ghostbusters hate.

do this again next year

wow you hate something?

It was canceled in 1996 but brought back after fan outcry and the failure of Fox's Saturday night comedy lineup

America's Most Wanted
has basically been canceled. I work for them, and even though it has these specials listed, none of the current staff knows what the fuck they are. It's never been covered by TV Club or anything, but I thought you should know. Cover the last ep (June 18)

I hated the last one
but this looks pretty cool

this experiment
is refreshing

sounds like
a circle jerk

it'll be just like
a shitty attraction at Myrtle Beach in 1996

should be

Can we review the reviews?
Because this one sucked

man everyone here is just too fucking cynical and dire. Todd VanderWerff only enjoys things if its about fucking loneliness and depression. You apparently only like things when they're soul crushing. Jesus Christ. It's like if a show doesn't automatically fill the empty void in all your shitty lives it's an automatic

these episodes have been celebrations of pure joy
while these write ups and comment sections have been pretentious poop parties. kill yourselves.

something that fell off my dick during the war
this looks like that

cyber bullying
i think it was more intended to be about dbag commenters and critics than actual cyber bullying

watching tv with Myles Mcnutt
must blow

it already aired last night!