great premise, should be awesome to see him return to form after like 2 decades of bullshitting with emo av club fodder
great premise, should be awesome to see him return to form after like 2 decades of bullshitting with emo av club fodder
So people make things with the intent of making money off of them? That's inherently evil.
He's even cooler now than he was before
This article was too "joke" y for me to tell what actually happened. Same with the Mad Men one. GIVE IT TO ME STRAIGHT DOC
Ghostbusters II is sweet. I remember a ton from this "forgetable" movie. This write up was otherwise decent but I wish someone else would be the resident comedy expert because Nathan Rabin is one of the most painfully unfunny guys out there
Bud light Platinum is 6 % alcohol and comes very much in handy
Fuck you for being lame about the Asian driver joke.
I didn't see the promos, so I was happily surprised to have Herb pop up. Voicemail was hilarious. You guys get tripped up by the dumbest shit.
Soooo…. when does it come out? I WANT THE NEWS.
Jesus now its not politically correct to steal a kiss from a girl? That's like one of cinema's defining romantic gestures, only you guys could sully something like that with your liberal douchiness
Dude, you didn't like the constant referring to the host in the Catfish sketch? we're not on the same page
Nathan Rabin gave it a D-…. so it's probably really good. Because he sucks at comedy. ZING
I don't know about Last Stand but yeah I think plenty of people would be excited for an Arnold comeback. I hate how this bitch thinks she's speaking for everyone.
hmmm you come across of kind of a douche
you're better than Myles. he was a douche
you're better than Myles. he was a douche
I love when reviewers don't participate in the discussion when the commenters clearly hate them
I love when reviewers don't participate in the discussion when the commenters clearly hate them
the shitty wok guy is fucking hilarious, you suck phil. your super PC (yeah I remember what u said about that word) take on south parks hilarious race jokes makes u seem like a humorless on of a bitch. seriously the only reason I read these is because I love south park so much, but your take on it totally blows. bitch