
I don't even… what? I was talking about the heavy emphasis on style, atmosphere, and (above all) choreographed action/conversation over traditional storytelling beats, I said nothing about characters or actors. If anything the fact that those take backseat to the all the technically wild and adventurous moments in the

"Continuing on … diminishes the first one."

Adult Swim did wonderfully with the Samurai Jack revival and even the Big O continuation like a decade back.

Any of the pandering in SJ was definitely Gendy's idea, not Adult Swim. Take one look at their programming and it's pretty clear they don't interfere much at all with what they air.

What? Why?

They already have like 10 albums I haven't listened to so the fact it's new music isn't a great selling point tbh. I'm mostly hoping they were consulted during storyboarding and etc so that the show is edited to fit the music, like the first season.

Saying Baby Driver is an action movie with cars is really doing the movie a disservice.

What was the gimmick? Immaculate editing, acting, and choreography?

As stated above, it might be my favorite Wright movie.

Baby Driver was definitely my favorite movie I've seen this year.

Woah, Trouble Will Find Me is lightyears ahead of the stadium-sized snoozefest that was High Violet.

Sure, at a certain point things like a huge star or a recognizable brand or the fact that you need to find SOME goddamn movie to take your kid to will draw people in regardless of critical success. Such is the case with…basically all movies topping the box office right now (but also it's summer, when all discretion

Oh, fair. I've never seen the Wire so maybe there's some big piece of all this I'm missing, but I've also never seen Edris as a particularly strong actor. He's always just sort of, you know, there. Will Smith might get shut down as a lazy comparison, but that's how he's always rubbed me—a walking mass of charisma

This is simply not true. Rotten Tomatoes is a very common barometer for quality, especially among younger generations. Hell, it even informs studios when they're deciding the finer points of sequels—budget, staffing, if it'll get made at all.

Really? I thought Elba looked AWFUL in this. Like he's reading cards off camera while posturing awkwardly in a "I'm 14 and this is awesome" kind of way.

It's funny because I find this band immediately more likeable and interesting than TV on the Radio, a band I've never understood the appeal of at all.

You folks already had your Deafheaven craze a few years ago, what more do you want!

But you don't accomplish atmosphere by doing one thing and then saying "there, the tone is set, no need to do any additional work!"

I hope it's the end. Even if TRC is my favorite FROM content, Bloodborne is still their best standalone game. Them moving onto a new IP would be great.

So we should have had a new writer review it and give it an A+ for a few hours before an editor realizes what happened and fixes it?