
I stopped reading after the reviewer pretended that Lese Majesty wasn't their best record for some reason.

Harry Styles debut from this year is quite good.

That's where everyone lives, right?

I watched Moana the other day and it's excellent. I could listen to You're Welcome forever.

Person Pitch isn't proto chillwave at all either, it's just psychedelic folk music.

Did we watch the same movie?

Panda Bear ain't chillwave at all tho.

I mean what is "this?" It looks like a crude attempt at engaging with a thing the poster doesn't want to understand, but it's almost impossible to parse out. Oh God, oh God no… Is this how your average older person is baffled by things nowadays?

Well shit, you're right. My mistake.

I don't know—"The Jews control everything" is a very uncomfortable 1950s brand of misinformed antisemitism. Like your grandfather who means well but also says "Oriental" all the time.

Well this sounds like a thing I don't want to see.

The fact that this went platinum after just a few days suggests yes, yes it very much does.

Haven't read the review so idk the context for this, but you're sleeping if you don't listen to 2 Chainz and Gucci. Both are great.

Seriously, what the fuck was with that line?

Oh I thought the show was at Union South—if it's at the terrace that's even better.

Elephant is definitely their best record imo, but there's definitely a strong case to be made for De Stijl or White Blood Cells.

Someone definitely lives in Wisconsin!

The answer, in almost all countries everywhere, is "yeah, probably."

Europe has different racism problems than America does, but that doesn't change the fact that they have a fuck ton of racism problems.