
Nah, even if the next ten episodes are garbage these first eight have been truly wonderful. This one especially felt like something that can stand on its own, even though the lore aspects of it add a lot of weight and clarity.

Yeah, I scrapped this thought after the episode's narrative became a bit more clear, but I definitely thought the scene was going to end with the Giant 'evolving' to combat the new evil.

So do we have any thoughts on what the White Horse means these days?

This one felt less like window dressing and more like an intentional tone-setting for what was about to come.

And that they're distinctly BOB's underlings/vassals. It's not a great parallel because judeo-christian imagery doesn't have much of a place in the world of TP, but they definitely felt like Horsemen who were priming the world for his arrival. The Woodsman's mantra about water and the well mentioned the white horse

This seems like a stretch.

It felt like a great way of throwing the audience a pop bone before going full Malick.

"Simple shooter gameplay mechanics, which I miss since I've always enjoyed old-school shmups."

"Note to Nioh, Salt And Sanctuary, and FromSoftware’s own Dark Souls III DLC: It’s not brutal, uncompromising difficulty."

Okay, I gotchu now. We're all good.

Nah I come back to DAMN. all the time still. The poppier moments on there are exception. Yah, Loyalty, Lust, Humble, XXX, DNA… dang that record has some wonderful tracks.

This kind of anti-pop elitism is a gross fit, especially when the mainstream has finally succeeded in some kind of weird mind-meld with the avant-garde and all the best records coming out now are straight pop.

He chewed out the audience at his Madison and Eaux Claires sets for being a bunch of white kids too. Seemed like it was good hearted though, the dude still came out roaring. Stellar sets.

What? Not at all. If anything time has proven that GKMC was the lesser work and that TPAB is a decade-defining record.

Wait, are you saying there ISN'T loads to unpack on Summertime?

What? It's a record focused on soundscape with nary a memorable hook in sight and that could have used a much more aggressive editor trimming the fat—exactly what I wouldn't expect from Fleet Foxes.

Contrary opinion: I've been listening to this since the leak and every time it loses some magic. This thing is a bloated mess that's far, far too busy for it's own good, and its increased focus on texture over melody does it no favors.

I'm sorry but this isn't how these things work at all.

Really? This one feels like a massive step forward from Pure Heroine to me. And this is coming from someone who vocally abhorred Green Light when it dropped.

Agreed, this record is a mess. A beautiful and intricate mess, but still.