krebstar all-star

Comic books + 212 + Jessie Ware
Guess I have to pick up Young Avengers now!

think we're all missing the real reason why this is an A episode:
shirtless Joshua Jackson

think we're all missing the real reason why this is an A episode:
shirtless Joshua Jackson

Welcome Allstars
Brandon, Kathryn, Allison
effing beasts tonight!

my prayers have been answered
long live Avatar Aang!

that i see parts of Buffy [Dawn's initial storyline] and Dollhouse [with their amazing endgame].

Long live Avatar Aang!

i think that i have a crush on "some guy posting on the av club boards"

it took me a while
to get into the album.

House is not a home
[This is the first episode Ive seen this season]
I didnt hear anything special from Jacob L.
Partly because I was completely uncomfortable every time he looked into the camera. And I love the song too.
I'd rather listen to Chenoweth's Glee version

im really hoping
that this season will finally show everyone that Rob is no better than Russell.

yeah yeah yeah
mod fam was good tonight.

i dont know guys
i think the whole episode was just a wasted opportunity to sing "My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit

actually had it Bayless' place. not bad.

Love. Carla.
Ugh. Guess I have to watch Fallon now.

you make a good point

In Malcolm in the Middle, Malcolm's family was the poorest out of Hal's group of [entirely black] poker friends.
It blew my mind as a kid!
And I'm African American

Colbie… Maria?
Michelle Rodriguez got something better to do?