krebstar all-star

So happy I started watching this show
My DVR always caught the first minute of Cougar Town when I recorded Modern Family. And I must say, I was always interested.
Based on the name alone, I refused to watch it [Oh and Friends]. But with all that free time around Christmas, I finally broke down and started watching it.

if you liked this Todd
you should definitely watch IT Crowd's "Jen the Fredo."

Blais is great
but I was kinda hoping that Fabio would win this challenge.
The front of the house has a huge chance of losing and zero chance of winning.
Fabio was an amazing host and made an amazing desert.


and how could i forget Fabio's "At this ratio…"

say wha?
abc chicago sucked balls.
the last 10minutes or so was of an older mod fam.

"meet us in montauk"
…all i could think about was Eternal Sunshine
and that made me happy.

I approve
brush skates and all

Now I remember
…why I loved this show so much as a kid.
I just watched Heart of Ice. Mind blown.

me too, MTT. glad I'm not the only one.

Where's Ben Bailey?
I was so amused by the judges taking cabs to the different restaurants.
Padma… in a taxi! can't afford one of those new, fancy sponsored cars? who's watching the budget at Bravo?

it was perfect

Tasha, ey?

I approve of Bats
but come on, Leonard!

I love Endless Mike

"Pier Pressure"

funny but
is it just me
or was the pacing a little off?

ya know what?
i miss Huff

That's enough Tasty for season
i loved/hated Cat's hair.
I never hated Rob like the rest of you but I'm definitely a full fledge fan now.
Wow. Lauren. Tango. [Nothing can beat Brandon/Janette's tango though. I miss you Janette]
Ugh, oh yeah, Billy is gone. Adechike is here. His routine was garbage. African takes a sort

i too would love to see stripey pants girl on sytycd!