don't kinkshame bro
In the books, Jeyne Westerling's mother was feeding her moon tea to prevent her from getting pregnant.
Blackfish gonna grab her and that babybump and get the fuck out of dodge
I've found the Theon scenes compelling up until now, but I agree this one was my "one too many".
I think Qyburn has been given less prominence in the show so far than he was in the book, at least so far.
Justin Lin *is* a genius
Of those people you just listed, Rodrik is the only one Theon actually killed. (Though he certainly stood by when Dagmer was murdering the children).
Well he's already shown remorse for his actions (and not while being tortured either). Isn't that a sign that maybe there's something left to fix?
@avclub-5d04f533ad7d4575c431a911276d1d7b:disqus I think you might be forgetting that Petyr grew up with Lysa, remember even Cat when Ned first got to King's Landing felt like they could trust and believe him.
@CyranoThebirdsareback:disqus Stannis was part of Robert's Small Council, but he left the city pretty much as soon as Jon Arryn died.
@avclub-a566550b2bcf325fd07489cc1fe1baa7:disqus …I dont see why that still can't be a cut to credits moment? Just smash/burn the jars and say each name.
Well again I think that's largely the point. Martin dosen't want us picking sides, he wants us to care about specific characters on a personal level that fall on EVERY "side".
I liked Bran getting the chance to earn that "Little Lord" nickname Osha always calls him
It was sailing away
They are also doing a lot of good work in building up Ramsay to replace Joffrey as evil little sadist shit of a villain that everyone wants to see die in the most horrible way possible.
Yeah she was crying because her plan to go to Highgarden went up in smoke and her other lifeline (Littlefinger) is now sailing away.
Not a chance that will happen, the big moment is going to be Davos convincing Stannis not to sacrifice him (and to use the 3 babyjars instead)
If you didn't like Five Nightmares I'm not sure there's much else there for you because the best parts of the run are all more of that really.
Extremis was almost 10 years ago.