
Just looking at his stats it doesn’t look like he had a *terrible* season. His WAR obviously isn’t great, but he hit .265 which is average with 10 homeruns and 48 rbi’s, which are also average. Then if you look at his past three years he hit over .300 each season, which is well above average. By just looking at the

People who have kids loving those kids and being happy with their decision is, obviously, a wonderful thing. What continues to mystify me is why the majority of [especially educated, privileged] people still want children. This is not meant to be a snarky take, nor am I some sky-is-falling “why would you bring

Funbag has never made me happier than right now. A couple months ago I casually mentioned to some co-worker buddies that I don’t use the toilet seat covers and they were aghast. Came home confused and talked about it with my girlfriend; she was horrified at my behavior. All of a sudden I was the weird one for just

Based on all of the Irish-whispered rumors in Boston about managers and NESN reporters, Hazel was likely relieved just to have a current or former Red Sox manager putting his dick AWAY for a change.

One game playoffs are dumb.

this is definitely KC’s year if fourth-quarter clock errors are going in Reid’s favor

Sorry, I’m not a graphic designer.

I’m no Patriot fan, but if you offered me a deal that my team would win 5 Super Bowls in under 20 years and the only trade off was a messy divorce and slide into mediocrity at the end of that run, I would take that deal in a heartbeat.

He’s got some competition for #2

the promotion seems largely symbolic

Gonna be that guy, Mo Lewis.

“I’m stockpiling weapons and ammo to fight against the government and troops that you have to make sure you stand for and show respect during the national anthem.”

I know we’re supposed to be laughing at Pryor, but anyone who fake swings on someone to try to get them to flinch is a huge douche.

The heaviest free weight you can lift... is the one inside.

Plus, why would you want to see your star shortstop injure himself jumping into the crowd after making a routine catch in fair territory?

I’m sure these kids have seen enough divers the last few days.

Have you not met Catholics before?  This is extremely sane and shouldn’t at all be surprising of them.

As a professional with a good job wishing I wasn’t at work I feel so under attack right now.

Yes. This is the border war I love. I am always up for more upstate boundary fights.