
MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

Yes, thank you. I’ve been continuing to visit the G/O sites because I like a lot of the writing and the comment sections (trolls and racists notwithstanding). But fucking hell has it gotten significantly worse over the last couple of months. Say it with me now, G/O:

I’m not a fan of the Pats or Trump, at all, but saying there should be a conversation about “wiping his entire legacy blank” because of the man’s political affiliations is just kind of an extremely silly thing to say. Shit like that is what the Donald and co use to discredit any actual discourse because otherwise the

People who love cooking are really bad at imagining there are people who don’t love cooking.

It's a wonderful novelty late at night, if you're driving somewhere remote. When the Cavs beat the Warriors a few years ago, I was driving in Maryland and listening to the game on a Cleveland radio station. Fantastic stuff.

(cites no place with actual free cheeseburgers)

Or, maybe people say “we” in reference to the team being a representation of the area where they live? I would say that the majority of the people who use “we” are not doing so with the idea that they are apart of the team, like fucking Seahawks 12th man fans. So no, the worst fans are the ones who say “oh, you’re on

A dude named Patrick getting caught with cocaine in New Hampshire is without a doubt the whitest thing I can think of off the top of my head.

Like most people, they criticize in others what they secretly despise about themselves, you fat asshole. 

One of the few things in life that gives me solace is the craft beer selection on Amtrak is always 90 minute IPA. Not just 60 minute. Make it a double IPA, please. 

“Get in the hole” at golf events is the worst. The golfer should be allowed to beat that person with their driver for yelling that after a drive. 

Recently I have noticed a lot of people responding to text messages using the “Thumbs Up” emoji. Every time I receive this as a response to a text message it makes me furious.

The crowd really went cuckoo for Coco Gauff.

And she was the attacker, so “stand your ground” attaches to the party she attacked. This is not new law; injuries sustained during the commission of a crime are considered the fault of those committing the crime, regardless of how they were caused. She still has to be tried, and may not be convicted if the jury are

Makes you wonder how often guys like this get away with shit like this. 

Any comment that goes against the narrative of the blog will be deleted.

Bravo! I really hope everyone reading this, understands the purpose for this comment

I contacted every member of the US Men’s National Team to ask if they were happy about today’s result and if they like puppies. None responded and I think we can all agree that their silence speaks volumes.

other than malinda being very annoying, i don’t see the problem here.