
I also want to add that the link supplied here is to a Jezebel article, which in my mind, should always carry a warning with it.

I smell rivalry. Can’t wait until the next time these two teams meet.

The jury has a question for the Court. It reads as follows: “If we all agree that Hernandez would have played professional football for the last five seasons, then can we also agree that the Pats would’ve won each of the last five Super Bowls, name them as official champions retroactively, and declare Tommy’s the

I think the star system seems wonky today, so, here’s another star: ⭐

Well I for one am shocked that the NCAA turned out to have very little integrity on the matter.

How much pressure does his team really deal with though? Isn’t UCONN a glaring symbol for the lack of competition or parity in women’s college basketball?

A toddler might say to you, “Vroom vroom, I am a truck!”

I’m kind of a crotchety old man when it comes to celebrations. But I’d like a middleground.

When someone hits a game winner, I want to see the bat flip; I want to see the helmet come off, etc. When someone scores their first career TD, I want to see it.

What I get tired of (seen more in the NFL) is celebrating Every.

You can’t really dress up as an Indian or cowboy anymore, and recently a lot of the public has turned on the police. There just aren’t a lot of good options left.

No. Two words: No. Rebounding.

And the on-deck circle for switch hitters is right behind the catcher.

I was thinking Major League 2. “Upside down!”

Matt Purke looks like he only plays baseball ironically. Sort of like he wants to go back to the minors because nobody’s heard of the team he was playing on.

Uhh he didn’t call the movie. She did. He was showing her the card out of confusion. He literally reached into the envelope TWO MORE TIMES to see if there was another card in there.

This is fucking stupid because you know Dirk could give two shits about the post, he doesn’t need Cuban white knighting for him

I think it’s disgusting that Jeff Sessions wants to keep these two lesbians from consecrating their love in holy matrimony.

Not knowing the rules and being dumb is the thing to be in America these days, apparently.

Rumspringa training.

It’s called not being a pussy.

1. Al. Al? AL! Do you really think Mentos are gum?