
I get his very basic premise that, in general, a stir fry can be bland, but am with you on his replacement suggestion being utter bullshit. I make stir fry a lot so I can get meat/veggies/grains in one serving and only have to cook once or twice a week. Don’t mix the meat/veggies with the rice to store it, make a

This White Sox fan is yelling that they’ve wasted Sale’s prime, and he’s still only 28 and they could’ve built around him but they kept putting forth a putrid roster and Trump is president and the Cubs won the Series and it’s winter and life sucks and fuck it I want all the whiskey.

Even further, most major corporations do have social media policies that remind you that your social media postings can be held against the company, so to make sure to keep it above board. I personally always found it a bit authoritarian, but it seems like in most cases it’s only there as a “holy shit you just

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

My impression is that it’s normal to just ignore everyone else in NYC.

I’m a boston fan, and everyone I know thinks he’s a troll, but fuck me right?

To be fair, Fisher’s decision wasn’t personal. The Rams have a strict policy against allowing their running backs to go anywhere on the field.

I think we’ve found Mark Sanchez’s burner account.

Or its because the “reporters” who cover the game dont actually know enough about the game to ask one of the best coaches in the game a question about the game in the short time they have to ask him questions. Maybe viewership is down because viewers are sick of Smiley, Biff, Dickbreath, UnemployedCoach, Other Biff,

You have to remember the context, which was this:

I am a nullifier of this hypothesis. The Buttfumble encapsulates so much about Sanchez, the Jets, America, Two and Half Men is proof Jesus died in vain.

I agree. If anything, his nickname should be “Bleached Asshole.”

Have you been to Fort Wayne? I survived 3 years of Fort Wayne. Water in Flint is far more safe to drink than the water in Fort Wayne. A city with 3 rivers that has the crappest water in America outside of Pittsburgh. Bleach is like adding Kool Aid to water in Fort Wayne.

All things considered, the event looks like it was a huge success. Nothing is better for career development than not working for the Browns.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

I always think Donald Sutherland

My wife has been hitting the gong on the biological clock pretty hard lately. I can always count on the Funbag to remind me why I need to fight back.

19 year old - Full of angst. Used to be in person, now text messages from college.

Honestly depends on the kids and you can only judge it on a case by case situation really. I am far closer to my sister who is eight years apart from me than my sister who is less than 2 years younger than I.

I worked and went to school in Winston Salem. I’ll tell you that at my first job at a newspaper, one of the mayors of the surrounding towns/county called and said they didn’t want a black person covering their town halls. So, if people downplay the racism part of this, you are not looking at all of the angles.