
I don't keep up with soccer - when did they switch to sudden death game-ending shootouts?

You’re lucky to live in a state where FanDrool is still legal.

Think about what a colossal shithead you have to be to “undermine the reputation” of the Cleveland Browns.

I think even Demarcus Cousins would agree with that premise. I don’t think he had them removed because he felt they were racist. He suggested having them removed because they could be misconstrued as insensitive given the timing of it all.

tl, dr

“Perfect symmetry” is redundant. It’s like saying “insufferable ESPN personality.”

The issue I see is that you haven’t proved that he did or didn’t heroically help in a car crash, so this story doesn’t yet have a point. If he lied, then establish that he lied and print that. If he did help with a crash, then find the truth there and post that. Instead, your story is “We’re mid-way writing a story,

Yep - this started for me last week. No stars for anyone.


Two horses in three years would have been a stretch.

Nah, I’m just old and cranky. Staying until last call at 4am doesn’t get me laid anymore, it just makes me useless for 2 days after. I am bitter. Ignore me.

Now that the Cowboys have all their weapons back on the field, there might finally be some room to sit down on Greg Hardy’s futon.

Whatever, I still want Baltimore because Johns Hopkins IS AN ELITE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL.

These are not the 72 virgins they were expecting.

His take should have been the actual article. This morning, the article is the most naive, media-hype driven thing that could’ve possibly been written.

“I think another thing to factor in is that Welker had Brady and then Manning throwing to him for the meat of his career. Those 2 guys have a decent understanding of what not to do to get guys hurt, like when not to throw a ball into traffic.”

Totally agree, plus when you consider there are about 8 teams too many in the NFL right now, you’ve already got the makings of a 2nd tier. You could call it......The AFC South.

Why doesn’t he just drink recovery water instead?