
It was the right decision to let him start the 9th.

I bet CC Sabathia was even more upset he missed the game when he heard that the stadium was full of boos.

If you’re ESPN, why be forced to set your programming lineup months in advance and not be able to change? That sort of kills the excitement of how sports starts anew each morning. They can make real money depending on how the ratings go up and down. Let them go day-by-day.

Yes, but you overlook one key thing:

Isn’t the “right way to comment” really just to read the god damn article and not comment?


Thank god there are still hot singles in my area that want to fuck me now.

The sad part is that I was legitimately hoping the video would explain what the fuck I was watching the whole time.

The older you get the less you care about punctuation and grammar. Because GET OFF MY LAWN.

I hope the Rog shows some consistency and completely fucks this up.

Are we supposed to be surprised Dustin Johnson would blow that chance?

This whole thread is full of salty Lebron James fanboy tears.

What? This seems like an overreach.

Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Auto-flush sucks.

4-6 months? He should be back for the ECF.

This is the creepiest possible option.

By the way, the kids have not banned Shirtless Dad yet.

And while headed down into/up out of the station, don't stand on the left of the escalator. It's not a fucking amusement park ride and people have places to be. If you're too lazy to walk up the stairs, stand your happy ass on the right!